When I get home I find my hard working husband doing what??? Working hard. His nose was in his math book as he studies for the class he needed to get to. (He was waiting for me to get home from the orthodontist so he could leave) So, I'm a little sad that he works as hard as he does and I don't get to be with him today.
While he finishes his homework I come to my computer to go to my daily blogs. I have a few friends' blogs that I like to visit every day. (they are friends on the internet...not in real life friends...but still friends! LOL) I go Becca's first. Her daughter models tees for me and Becca takes wonderful pictures for me! She always has amazing pictures and fun things to read on her blog. She's an inspiration to me too! I did a fun craft with the boys last week all because of something she did with her daughter and shared on her blog.
So next I go to Cathy's blog. Her beautiful kiddos model for me (my tees) and I've come to enjoy her writing. She has a lot of the same thoughts and ideas I do. I just like to read her blog. Today I found an interesting something she wrote and she directs readers to another blog. Well, in this next blog I find an amazing woman with a HUGE amount of strength and courage and FAITH! When I hear women like this speak or read the words they write I am captivated!!! I kept reading her blog and found myself crying...I mean down right sobbing. I could not hold it together. You see, she has recently lost her precious baby to Trisomy 18. (You can google it for more info) This family is so beautiful and they already had another beautiful little girl. The mommy gave birth to the second daughter with this illness and WOW!! Words can not express the heartbreak I felt for them as I read. But then I kept reading. In each of the posts made by the mommy and the daddy of this precious baby girl you could sense the amazing FAITH the two of them had. They KNEW without a doubt that their baby girl was with Jesus!
In their blog were links to other blogs of families who had lost children to Trisomy 18. I, of course, went and looked at some of them. I cried some more. But in reading the two or three more that I did I noticed one common tie ALL of these families had. It wasn't that they each had a baby who lost their life to Trisomy 18. It was very clear that each of these families knew and loved Christ! They all spoke of the comfort they felt when their precious child was called home to be with Jesus!!! AND that they will one day cradle their lost child in their arms again.
One would think that's enough sadness for one day right....I wish. My heart is also so heavy for my friend Donna. I learned last week that she was killed by a gun shot in the middle of the night. It wasn't intended for her. She was fast asleep in her bed. Someone, one who needs to come forward and take responsibility for his actions, shot random shots at her apartment building. One of his bullets went through her bedroom window and killed her instantly. I worked with Donna at Jax Navy. We started at the same time and trained together. She was so much fun! I only stayed in contact with Donna via email for the last 5 or so years but I never forgot her smile and fun loving personality. I think about her daily now. I think about her family and how sad they are that her life was cut short. I think about the friend Donna was to not only me but countless others. She was a good friend.
Donna, I'm gonna miss ya girl!
Lastly, the thoughts of my grandma, who recently passed away, make me sad. If you have a close relationship with your grandparents you know what I'm saying! She was such a strong woman. I think of some of the things I've learned about her strength just since her passing and her strength can carry me through my day. I think of her everyday too! There's not a single night that passes that I don't cry a tear for her. I miss her more than anything else in this world. BUT, I have to be strong, like her, and have the FAITH, like the above mentioned bloggers, that I will see her again one day.
So, I'm going to wipe away my tears, that seem to be non-stop flowing today, and go hug my boys extra tight. Tell each one of them how much I love them. I'm going to call my husband and tell him that he means the world to me. Then, I'm going to thank God for ALL He has given me. Because even with all my sadness today I can be GLAD in knowing that He is with me always! Even in my sadness. Especially in my sadness.
And just becuase Blogs aren't much fun without pictures I thought I'd share a few that make me smile!
Jonah LOVES the Wonder Pets!

Jake in his teeny yellow bikini :0) (It's really aunt Kris')

Grandma and Grandpa with Jett.

Me and my hubby!!!

One more! Me and (almost) all of my boys. The only one missing is taking the picture....my husband!

All of these things make me SMILE!
Awwww I so know how you feel it is amazing the strength some have. Oh how I long that as well.
So sorry to hear about your Grandma and your friend Donna.
Awwww I so know how you feel it is amazing the strength some have. Oh how I long that as well.
So sorry to hear about your Grandma and your friend Donna.
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