After all the celebration of Jake's party I guess I needed a break. Well, I got it! And hubby lovingly said as he walked out the door this morning to get the house IN ORDER! So I guess I really took too much of a break. But, don't get me wrong....a mommy never really gets a break. I still took care of the kiddos, cooked dinner, kept the kitchen and living room tidy.
This is a good piece of advice that just popped into the ol' noggin. Some friends of ours recently told us that a marriage not 50/50 but 100/100. If you spend your time thinking that it's 50/50 and one should do at least 50% of the work then you'll let your spouse down AND you'll be let down most of the time! BUT, if you spend your time thinking it's 100/100 then you'll always give 100% and in turn (hopefully) get it back! Does that make sense??? LOL It does in my little head. ;o)
I guess I felt the need to share that since Jake told ME to get the house in order...why can't he??? I'm just kidding'!!!! He's off doing homework! He's a hard workin' man I tell ya!!!!!
So what did I do for the lat two weeks?? be completely honest I do not remember. Sad huh? LOL I know I went to the zoo again. I was in search of the YUMMY shaved ices they have. Well, apparently us stay at home mommies who go during the week will not get them....they are only open on the weekends. It really stinks too! Those things are DELISH! What else? I know I went to church at least 3-4 times. We go Sunday's and Wednesday's. Hmmm...I went to my Grandpa's once too. He's doing so good! Even though we all know he misses Grandma more than life itself he is so smiley!!! I think he's just making lemonade with lemons until he gets to see her again. Which is funny that I just made it an analogy??...Jake took Jake Austin over to Grandpa's the other day to trim up his lemon trees and picked (seriously) 12 bags of lemons. He was so funny on the way home...he gave a bag of lemons to every neighbor that was outside! LOL We even had one neighbor call and ask for more!!! And we still have 5 bags left! Crazy amount of lemons came off of those trees!
Well, I think I'm about caught up. I can't really think of anything else too exciting that has happened in the past two weeks. I am going to upload some pictures to share with ya. It might take me a few days to remember I just said that....but I promise to get some pictures posted!
Well, I knew I had a few to share now so I went to find them!!!
I asked Jonah to try this set that I just finished on. I wanted to just take a couple of pictures so I could show someone else. Anywho...this boy....he's a nut! This is the best shots I got. (Now you all know why I send most of my tees over to be modeled by the kiddo pros!!!!)

The last two aren't too bad you say?? Well, it just doesn't compare to these pics!

So, now you know, in case you've been wondering, why I send things off to be modeled. Cathy and Becca take amazing photos of their kiddos in my creations!!! (Now would be a good time to thank them...THANK YOU SO MUCH CATHY AND BECCA!!!!)
Have a SUPER day! I'm going to spend mine getting the house IN ORDER! LOL
I love your initial tees! If I weren't so poor I would definitely buy one from ya! One day!
Aw!!! Thanks for the mention in your blog!
Your T's ROCK!!!
Looks like ya'll have been having lots of fun!!
Take care!
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