Let me catch you up on a few things we've been doing. I last posted a few pictures and then left ya hangin' on where we were when we took them! SORRY!
We took a mini vaca down to my aunt and uncles house...well, it was more of a "Let's get ready for Jessica and Blake's wedding" but it was a much needed escape from home too! :o) We had to go try on dresses and the guys had to get fitted for tuxes.

The boys aren't in the wedding and were getting a little antsy...luckily the shop had these nifty little footies!!! The boys soon discovered them and were entertained! Very entertained! LOL Notice they are surrounded by mirrors so they can get their Power Ranger moves *just right*!!!

This is my favorite!!! hehe

After all the hard work of wedding prep we ALL needed a little getaway! Jake, our boys, myself, Aunt Shari, Jessica, Blake and Nolan all went to Sea World!!!! YAY!! We haven't been since our oldest son was 1 year old...even then Jake couldn't go cause he was just deployed to Iraq. We had a great time! However, we missed the Shamu show. Who the heck goes to Sea World and doesn't see Shamu?? Huh? Huh?? Well, apparently, Jake thinks it's ok. He was ready to go at like 4:00. UGH...only 1 hour til Shamu!!! No! He's ready to go NOW! Poopy head! (no, I'm not bitter...LOL)
Here's our gang...minus me.

This is about the only way I get pics of me....self portraits with the kids! :o)

Jake and Jonah with their cousin!!!

It was time to go...you know, without seeing Shamu...I wanted to try to get ONE picture of the boys together.

One would think this is the end of this weekend. Nope! We still had one more stop! Jake surprised us with a night in Cocoa Beach. He found this hotel, which is nothing more than a Holiday Inn, but it has something that the boys are going to LOVE!!!!! A pirate water playplace!!! Oh my goodness they just couldn't wait til morning when the sun would wake up and we could go get in the pool!!!! But, first we had to go get dinner. We went to Lobster Shanty. YUM-O!!!! The BEST Lobster Bisque on the planet! I can still taste it...it was SO good!!!! The crab legs too! And the Lobster! We WILL be back!

Jonah was in no mood for pictures! Here's Jake and Jake!

YAY!!! The sun woke up! It's time to go to the Pirate Playplace!!! Check this out!

Jonah needed a break! You'd be tired too if you were going strong for 3 straight days!!!!! :o)

Are you completely bored yet??? Have you even read down this far??? Can you believe this is all one weekend?? I'm tired just thinking about all we did! There's still two more stops...then HOME!
We went to the beach. The hotel was on the beach so we could just walk. WHEW!
Jake stayed in the water the whole time so I didn't get any pics of him. But, here's Jonah throwing sand at me!

Who me?

Oh yeah, did I mention this was Spring Break???

Last stop, I promise! We were still wanting more seafood....which turned out to be a mistake. We should have just gone through a drive-thru...shhh, don't tell Jake I said that!!! We went to Dixie Crossroads. I don't know if it was that we ordered the worng thing or that we were just sick of seafood. (we thought we wanted more) We *might* try them again. Apparently the rock shrimp are what we should have ordered!

Oh look! A picture of me that I did not take!!!!

Whew!!! Done! But, I'm still not caught up to now! I have lots more pics to share and a bit of news for those who I don't talk to on a regular basis....something that may SHOCK you!!! LOL
awww your boys are so cute! where was little Jett? I am glad you updated your blog!
Looks like a great trip!the boys are so cute in their lobster suits!
We left Jett at home with grandparents....I forgot to mention that huh. I hope to be updating it more often!!!
LOVE your Blog!! I've been reading it like crazy trying to find the PERFECT Ornament for you. You're my recipient for the Ornament Exchange. :)
AND ~ I'm so excited because this (Cocoa Beach) is where I live!! Isn't that amazing??!!
So, don't worry your Ornament is on it's way.....
Have a "hoppy" weekend ~~
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