Jonah, Jett and I went to Connor's A-Maizing Acres a few weeks ago to pick some strawberries. Being a city girl, I had never done ANYTHING like this before. But, being that I am going to begin homeschooling next school year I think it's time we venture out and learn how other parts of the world operate....not just McDonald's and Disney World!

We had such a great time! I thought Jonah was going to be the only one interested in picking strawberries. Nope! Jett jumped right in and picked a couple for himself! (He later had a nasty rash from those berries too....lesson learned!)

They were fighting over the strawberries here!!
After picking, the farm lady (her name escapes me) took us on a tour of the farm. We saw HUNDREDS of chicks and chicken and roosters! She let all the kids hold the baby chicks too!!! We saw a couple of goats and cows. Even a peacock that flew up into a tree. Have you ever seen such a thing??? I've only seen peacocks walking around at the zoo. And I just never knew they could fly. (If my husband reads this he'll probably roll his eyes at my smarts!!!! This would be a good time to ask. Do you know how Abe Lincoln died??? LOL)

Sweet brother...showing the chick to Jett!!
Connor's A-Maizing Acres has a corn maze every fall. I can't wait to take the boys to that!!!!
Where exactly is this place at? I have heard great things about it and would love to take the kids there. Congrats on #4! Girl twins, right? LOL!!
HA! Girl, bite your tongue!!! Thank God He is blessing us with ONE more baby. We don't know what it is yet. And Jake says we won't find out...we'll see about that!!!
Connor's A-Maizing Acres is in Hilliard. WAY in Hilliard. I live by the airport and it still took me nearly an hour to get there. So when you go plan on about 1 1/2 hours in the car! Worth it though!!!
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