My family is a bunch of Disney FANATICS! We love that place! It's just magical!!!
Ok, I'll stop boring you! :o)
Here's where I was going with all of that. I sat down tonight and made Jonah a tee to wear when we go. I know, I're suppost to wear your costume. But, it's so hot in Disney in October that I wanted him to have something to wear in between photo ops with the characters in his costume. I plan to make one of these for the whole family!!! Ya think Jake, big Jake, will wear one???? I seriously giggle just thinking about it. I think it'll take a LOT of coaxing to get a Mickey tee on his back!
Ready to see???

Want one of your own??? Click on the side bar to the right----> Remember they are perfect for the WHOLE family!!!
Oh, and I made this little outfit for Jett. Well, I guess I should have taken measurements while he was sleeping. LOL It's too big! He's so wiggly that I got the wrong measurements..... Oh well, life goes on!

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