Today was such a good day. We got up SO early!!! The alarm first sounded at 8am. Holy Moly! If you know me you know that is like the crack of dawn! Ok, so I get out of bed at around 8:11. I jump in the shower and then begin the mad scramble of getting kids out of bed. Luckily, Jonah was in my bed....but that kid is hard to wake up! (he's like me!) I say "good morning sunshine" about 1/2 dozen times. That doesn't work. So, I move on to "rise and shine porcupine"....that works every time!! (I say it with a very upbeat tone in my very tired voice!!!) He rolled over at least! :o)
Next, it was on to Jett. He was already wide eyed and bushy tailed!! (that's SO his daddy!) I get him up and dressed in a flash....then it's back to Jonah. Jett helped me out by crawling all over him and giving him big morning hugs. "Upsy Daisy Jonah Bear!!!!" And he's up! Now, we can get his clothes on.
I fill a few sippy cups and grab a quick on-the-go breakfast and we are out the door. In a record 60 minutes. That's me and two kids dressed from head to toe!! Good stuff huh?!? :o)
Where are we going?? MOPS! I just joined this year. (thanks Michele for the invite and heads up!) This was my second meeting. I am loving the ladies I've met, the fellowship we've shared, the tears I've seen while listening to heart felt confessions of a mom, the laughter, the food!!!, the videos, the Bible's just so good! Every momma needs MOMMY time! Or should I say time to be a woman...time to herself. The 2-3 hours I get one morning a month, while not enough always, is so greatly refreshing. I feel like I can conquer the world wne I leave....ok, not the world...but, I sure am more patient with my kids and probably a more loving wife because of a little ME time! (thanks Babe for letting me go!!)
So, what next??? Oh, it was lunch time. We went to Chik-fil-a for lunch. Nothing glamourous the the two kiddos shared a 6-piece chicken nugget meal. "It'll tied us over until we get home" was my thought...and that it did!
We went to Hobby Lobby next. I figured while I was on that side of town and in such a patient mommy mood that I could handle two kids while getting my "fabric fix"! Who couldn't use a yard or two more of fabric??? (and I needed it for a particular custom order I just received!!) I had so much fun...and the boys were very well behaved!!!! (always a plus!)
Then we were home bound. No stops. Oh, actually we did make one stop. The gas station. Do you believe that I found gas for $2.90!!!! Woo-Hoo!!!! That was such a nice surprise. It's still $3.15 on my side of town....BOOOOOOOO!
I was so excited to get home. Jett fell asleep, Jonah was ready for a nap (cause we got up so early!!) and I was ready for a nap too. Do you know that as soon as I layed (I know that's incorrect English....I don't feel like figuring out the correct spelling for the other way to say it) down the phone rang. Of course, right!? I get off the phone with that person and it rings again...and again...and again. The last person was Hubby. It was a good thing too. If it weren't him the person would have gotten hung up on. :o) Probably not really...
I did manage to doze off for 30 minutes or so. Not nearly enough. Oh well. Life goes on!
I'll come back and post some pics in a few. Gotta feed these crazy kids!
Ready to see something cute???
I sent this tee off to one of my models and WOW!! Her mom is such an amazing photographer and the little girly is such an amazing little model. Her personality SHINES in all of her pictures!!

I'm always pumped when I get 'the email' letting me know my pictures are ready...I open and I find a little something like this...

How cute is she????

As soon as I got these I had to RUN to etsy and list my newest tee!!!
You can see a bunch of Becca's beautiful photography at
Thanks again Becca and Bren for all of your hard work!! You make it look so EASY!! :o)
This is my first year not in a MOPS group (since all the kids are in school now) and I really miss it! It is such a great time! Enjoy your group!
What a busy day!!!
I am going to our Zoo on Saturday and on the way there is a Hobby Lobby and it will be my first time going....I can't wait. My hubby said he thinks I am more excited over HL than the zoo...I think I am.
Oh that little model is just too cute.
how cute shes adorable i lover her entire outfit.
Melissa those are SOOOO cute!! I saw the pics on Becca's blog the other day.
I'm giving you a blogging BFF award! :) You can stop by my blog to pick it up.
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