Here's a small glimpse of the first few days of her life....
December 9th- McKinley Rose was born.
December 10th- She is doing great!!
December 11th (wee hours of the morn)- McKinley is taken to NICU because she spit up bile.
December 11th (around 6:00am)- we go see our little girl in the NICU. I can't describe the emotion one feels to see something so precious hooked up to so many wires and tubes. We're told she'll be there for at least 48 hours to run tests and to do an upper GI to look for a possible blockage in her intestine. I talk my doctor into giving me one more day in the hospital. (I couldn't bear leaving her going home without her.)
December 12th- I head downstairs to the NICU for the GI results and the doctors tell me there is "no medical explanation" as to why our daughter was sick. She continues with "she is clinically HEALTHY"!!!! Now, you tell me prayer doesn't work! There were folks all over the country praying for McKinley! The power of prayer will never cease to amaze us!!!! Our daughter is HEALTHY! I'm able to push my discharge time back as late as I could....I go home at 9:30pm....without McKinley. (they wanted to continue observation on her)
December 13th- I get up, leave Daddy and Big Brothers at home so I could go to the NICU to spend the day with her. She's such a sweet, sweet girl!! Daddy went to see her right after I got home. He was there until late that night. (Jake cannot deny the softy he's become for his little princess!!! He would have been by her side 24/7 if he were able!) We are told she can go home tomorrow!!!!!!!
December 14th- We all get up and get ready to go get Baby Sister!!! We drop the boys off at Ganny and Poppy's and head straight to the NICU!! Our little girl is waiting!!! She's got her IV out...YAY!! Her heart monitor was still attached but that's was nice to not see the other stuff we knew was uncomfortable for her. We get her dressed, get the run-down on how to be parents (DUH!) and we are off!! McKinley Rose is in the truck with us and we are taking her HOME! We make a pit-stop at Great Grandaddy and Great Granny's house and then picked up the Brothers....and then she was home!!!
December 15th- We are still in awe of how GREAT God is! We have such a precious little girl!!
December 16th- I'm at home with 4 kiddos...Daddy's at work...tell me this gets easier!!! :o)
So, without further is our Princess!!!!

I love this little hat the hospital nursery gave her. These are all made by elderly ladies in nursing homes. They then take "field trips" to the hospital to deliver stinkin' sweet is that??!!??

McKinley Rose and Great Grandpa

in the NICU...she was so rested and peaceful! This was a huge improvement from a few hours prior. She was obviously uncomfy before she went to the NICU.

after the tube was removed...YAY!!!

Daddy's Girl! (and that's my handsome hubby!!!!!)

It's time to go home!

McKinley and Great Granny

One proud Big Brother!

Another proud Big Brother! (Please excuse his eyes...this child has the hardest time with the flash! LOL)

Who does she look like??? She is a spittin' image of her Daddy!
This next pic is completely off topic but I had to share! This is our Santa pic. We drove all the way across town for the two youngest boys to be near terrified...and for them to tell us that we only get two shots with our camera and we could buy the one they take. HA! I refuse to pay $20 for ONE 5x7...not happenin'!!!! And well, I think I captured a pretty good shot of all of my boys! (even if it is a teensy bit blurry and Jake's eyes are closed...look at sweet Jonah peeking around Daddy!)

Congratulations! Glad she is healthy and home with all the family. Little A was in the NICU for 2 weeks and it was the most difficult thing to leave him there while we all went home. The first night we stayed at a hotel just 3 blocks from the hospital because I just couldn't go home! And, yes, she looks just like Daddy!! Take care of yourself!!
a BEAUTIFUL angel!
God is sooooo good... what an amazing story... you can see HIS hand working!
your family... ALL of you... gorgeous & blesssed!
what a Merry Christmas!
i almost forgot... how are YOU doing?
recovering? you take care of YOU... very important!!
She is absolutely precious Melissa. Your pictures were so sweet, my favorite are the ones with the great grandparents. Treasure your little princess.
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