I can see the fingerprints of god
When I look at you
I can see the fingerprints of God
And I know its true
You're a masterpiece
That all creation quietly applauds
And you're covered with the fingerprints of God
So look around you and see where YOU can see God's fingerprints. Is it in nature? Kids? Animals? Where do you see them?
Jake Austin said to me as he was painting this bird house..."Mom, I want this to be perfect, just like a real artist." He is my little perfectionist at times.

Isn't it SO the world that tells us we must be perfect? We must be skinny. We must have the newest and nicest of everything. We must live in big houses. We must be perfect mommies and daddies. We must do all our crafty creations PERFECT.

I love that God made each one of us SO different. None of us are perfect!! Try if you want...I'm doing my best being what God created me to be....a mommy who loves her kiddos (even on their REALLY whiny days), a wife who stands by her husband (for better or for worse!), a housewife...I'm still trying REALLY hard at this!!! (keeping this house clean is NO easy task!) :o)

God has blessed me with many responsibilities! I need to remember that I am NOT perfect. But, I AM made by a perfect Creator! And He loves me just the way I am!!!! (messy house and all!!!)
Will you join in Fingerprint Friday??? Go to Beki's blog to read hers and to add your name to the list!!!!
What a sweet fingerprint..Good thing we are not judged on housecleaning..Oh my..I would be in big trouble..ha, ha..
He is just precious. A perfect Fingerprint!!
That is so true!!!! He is a cutie and great job on painting!!!
You don't know how badly I needed to hear that today!!
It is so true.
This is the greatest struggle of my life. I spent my childhood wanting/trying to be perfect and thinking I was no good because I wasn't. I've learned from God that I can be perfectly ME and He can use me for good.
I made up a little rhyme a few years ago:
God made me this way, so I must be OK!
Tell your precious son that the birdhouse is BEAUTIFUL!
I love hearing poeple talk that way....with such truth and wisdom. Good points Melissa:)
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