I want to dye Easter eggs. We haven't done that in a few years. (bad momma, I know)
Will you share some of the crafts and such you have planned???
Here's a photo of Jett on his first Easter. He was 3 days old...

I wonder if I'll be able to get a photo of ALL FOUR kiddos on Easter this year...I don't think I have one yet and McKinley's 3 months old. And don't even ask when the last time was that we had a family photo taken!!!! :o(
The more kids you have , the harder it is to get ONE shot of them all looking good. :) I start taking pictures in August in hopes of getting a good one for our Christmas cards. :)
that's a GREAT idea!!! Why didn't I think of that??? Seriously, I am SO going to do it...we didn't even do Christmas cards last year cause I didn't have a picture of them all together. (Bad momma)
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