The boys went outside yesterday from sun up 'til sun down. Jonah even got kissed by Mr. Sun! (my best friend Tera would totally call it SUN DAMAGE!!! Love ya girlie!)
I wish you could see his eyes in this pic....blasted shadows!

This kid is too funny! Check out his feet...he insisted on keeping the socks ON! I am pleased to say that he did FINALLY take them off!!!!

Fake tatoos!!! Jake took lots of time deciding on where he wanted these bad boys to go...yet, he was still a little bummed about the placement of the bottom one on his chest. He SCRUBBED that one off in the shower!!! (If only removing real tatoos were that easy...)
Oh, and another somethin' funny...he wore his shirt for most of the time he was playing in the water. 1. he didn't want the water to wash away his tats and 2. he didn't want a certain someone in the neighborhood to see the messed up one. (the certain someone is a whole nother blog post!! ha ha)

Those are soooo stinking cute!!
I want summer so badly.
And the pictures of McKinley below...She's so beautiful!
thank you girlie!!!
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