Followed by...

Jonah decided he just wanted a little peace!

Next, it was on to the Carousel. All of my sweet boys atop a brightly colored sea animal...

(if you see this picture sideways I apologize...I tried to flip it in photobucket but it's not working.)

hmmm...I had a picture of Jonah too...well, that wasn't his favorite ride anyway. He LOVED, LOVED I tell ya, Shamu Express!! He rode it 3 times back to back.

And how sweet is this??? McKinley loved her some penguin!!

And here's a random shot of Jett. He's so stinkin' cute!

A quick funny story...well, funny for us...not for the guy who was sitting in front of us. The first attraction/show we went to the Pet's Ahoy show. Well, of course, at 10 am every child NEEDS a light up sword!!! We were just in luck! There was the guy who was ready to rip us off...I mean sell my kiddos light up swords that surely would not be used all day since it's BRIGHT AS DAY outside the theater doors!!!! So, we buy two. Thanks Mister! I digress. We're watching the show and suddenly Jett snatches a sword from either Jake or Jonah's hand, I don't remember, and continues to whack this poor guy in front of us in the head. I quickly apologize and we keep watching the show. Then, only moments later, he did it again (I thought Daddy was holding on to that sword...to keep it away from our dear little Jett). We apologize again. I turned and looked at Kathy and said "We have become one of THOSE families!" You know the ones...you stare at them when they aren't containing their children or one of their little angels throws a tantrum in the middle of the Wal-Mart checkout line cause they can't have a Juicy Drop Pop...don't think we don't see you...and don't think that hasn't happened to me...yep, we're one of those families! :o) Overwhelmed by His blessings!!!
I should have had a picture taken of Jake and I at the end of the day...talk about hard work...take 4 kids to Sea World!!! We did have help though. We went with our friends Kathy and Bobby. Such great friends...thank you guys for enduring a day of Sea World with us! We had a blast!!!
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