There are 8 of us couples and our children. Can you believe we have 17 children between us???? Holy moly!!! There are also 3-4 members of the youth group that volunteer babysitting so that we can have a relaxing (most of the time) Bible discussion. That's what??? 28 of us under one roof for dinner, fellowship, Bible study and FUN!!! WOW!!
So, picture it! (love me some Golden Girls) We all come together at 6:30 at one couples house. We have dinner and then jump into Bible study. The kids generally go upstairs and play video games with the youth. We sit downstairs around the dining room table while what sounds like a herd of elephants about to fall through the ceiling have a good time! It's great!!!!
Here's a random few pictures of us playing a silly game Joe came up with...or found...we all took someones hands of the person across from us. Then we had to somehow untwist ourselves into a full circle. It didn't work. We had a lot of fun trying though!!

Over, under and around...we just never could get untangled. We sure had a bunch of laughs trying!!!!!

The reason I'm telling you all of this is because tonight was, I'm thinking, our last Life Group with these folks. It was bittersweet. I love all of these people and their kiddos...and I'd like to think that we are equally loved...and I'm just gonna miss 'em. But, I know that God has big plans for us. We'll keep our friends here in Florida and make super friends in Kentucky! I'm excited! I'm so excited to see what He has in store for us!!!!!
"Trust in the Lord with all your heart
Lean not on your own understanding;
In all your ways acknowledge Him
and He will lead your path." Proverbs 3:5-6
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