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Wednesday, June 10, 2009

we're gonna miss our friends...

If there is one thing I can say about our neighborhood...we have the best neighbors EVER!!!

There are a bunch of kids on our street and they all play together!! And they play together nice! They range in age...which you would think would be a factor in their getting along. Nope! They all play well together!!

The other day I walked outside and Jonah was playing with his friend Aleena. These two are so sweet together...I'm gonna miss seeing them outside playing. aw, I gotta stop before I start crying.

Anyway, here's what I saw. They were under their "umbrella tents".

I just love this shot...
Jonah has a look of "Mom, what are you doing there??"

I gotta get more pictures of all of them before we leave...they'll go in the scrapbook for sure!!!

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