Sad day! My Jonah started Kindergarten today. I held it together just fine....until I thought if him going for a full day to school....and then, as if a lightbulb had flipped on, I thought of all the things I will get done with now TWO kiddos in school!!! YAY!!! (two down, two to go!!!)
These are the kiddos their teachers get for 7 hours a day...silly boys!

I took my boys to school on the first and second day. That Great Big Yella Cheese Wagon scared me a little! After I took them each to their class I stayed for the "Boo Hoo Breakfast". The PTO sponsers this event. It's for all parents of Kindergartners. Some moms changed it for there sake to be the "Woo Hoo Breakfast"!!! We each received a copy of this poem...
Today is the big day!
You'll start a new adventure.
I lean over and say,
"You'll have a blast, I'm sure."
You look at me and tightly grasp my finger.
I think of all the time we've spent,
And thoughts of us playing seem to linger.
A couple of friendly faces appear;
That should help to bring you some cheer.
Suddenly a decision had been made.
You let go and began to walk away.
Oh no, will you love for me fade?
Then you turn, smile and say,
"Don't cry Mommy, it's only for the day."
I wipe a single tear from my face
For I know this is a wonderful place!
(Written by a former Ft Campbell mom)
I missed Jonah terribly that day. I couldn't wait to get him off the bus. (He did ride it home.)
Aside from the homework, he is loving school! He's made new friends. He's learning to write his name and numbers and coloring everyday....he loves it!
Jonah has a locker in his classroom for his backpack and such.

Here he is...ready to listen and learn!

And my BIG 2nd Grader...where on earth does time go. It seems like yesterday he was starting Kindergarten. *sniff, sniff*

The moment I waited for all day...

I couldn't wait to hear about their new friends and what they had learned and if they liked their new teacher and school...
He walked right past me. Did he have a bad day?? Nope. He just doesn't like to be bombarded with cameras!! Every mom had their camera out that day....those kiddos were like celebrities!!!

On day two...here's my teeny boy on the above mentioned, and feared, Cheese Wagon.

In case you're wondering...they have to wear solid colored tops and bottoms to school. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the dress code! Now, if you ask the boys they will tell you they very much so dislike the dress code!!!
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