I can see the fingerprints of God
When I look at you
I can see the fingerprints of God
And I know its true
You're a masterpiece
That all creation quietly applauds
And you're covered with the fingerprints of God
So look around you and see where YOU can see God's fingerprints. Is it in nature? Kids? Animals? Where do you see them?

When I look at the Hubs I can see God's fingerprints.
I see strength,
I am so BLESSED to be his wife!
You can go check out more Fingerprint Friday posts at Beki's blog.
I'm so glad he's home now! This is a wonderful Fingerpint! Your link on Beki's blog doesn't work, though. You might want to add it in again so everyone can see this. It's worth seeing.
Beautiful picture. please tell your husband Thank you for serving our country and for fighting for our freedoms daily. We are blessed!
Oh my, what a lovely Fingerprint Friday post. Thank you to you and your husband for the sacrifices you make as a military family.
I totally forgot about push-ups!! I love those, they sold them at our swimming pool consession stand when I was little and I had them daily! What a sweet post!! I would be proud to have a husband like him too!
You must be very proud. I know you're glad to have him home. Happy Fingerprint Friday ~*~
What a great pic of "Mr. Man"! I know you are very proud of him!!
Hubba hubba!
oh wait, is it wrong to say that about my friend's husband? Haha!
Love you Melissa!!! :)
Thank you ALL!! I was going to name you all one by one...but, are you really going to be back to read it?? Probably not. :o)
Beki, you could just eat him up, huh??? He's a hottie, I know!!! But, he's mine! All mine!!! :o)
Okay so-your man's photo just reminds me of how honored I am to be an American! Thank you for his service so we may remain safe in the states! This also reminds me of my FAVORITE show (which just ended for the season) of ARMY WIVES!! You both ROCK! Thank you!
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