I'm ready for The Big Man himself to be EVERYWHERE!
I'm very excited to see red and green and lotsa bright, twinkling lights.
I'm SO done with fall.
This is, hopefully, the last fall picture you'll see here.

(please excuse the poor quality. my photos are strugglin' these days...i think being sick for so long is taking it's toll. and it was taken with the iPhone)
Did I mention the weather has been in the 40's?
Have you noticed that almost all of the leaves have fallen off the trees?
Have you pulled through Starbuck's for your favorite Holiday flavored Latte?
That in itself will put ya in the Christmas spirit!
It will for a Floridian anyway...
Come on Christmas!
You are in a gorgeous part of the country for seasonal changes. But hang on..it does get cold and sometimes icy there!
Hey...did you ever get my Pay It Forward gift I mailed you? I sent it about 10 days ago. Just wondering.
Yeah! I'm ready for Christmas too!! I was pleasantly surprised when I went out shopping Saturday that all the shops were in full Christmas swing- music, decorations, scents! This being our first Christmas in our new house I'm excited to get decorating. :)
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