First up, the sequence of horrible group shots. I am just convinced it is IM.POSS.I.BLE to get a decent photo of four kiddos together. You a professional? Want to prove me wrong? I'm in Kentucky! :o)

I even had somewhat of an advantage...two of them didn't even have to be looking at me, just in my general direction! And still, not one good photo.
Individuals were a bit better. Not as I'd hoped. Better.

"Let's go Trick or Treating, y'all!"

We have here a very uncooperative Mickey Mouse..."Just give me my sucker and I'm out."

The cutest little ninja I ever did see!

"Even Darth Vader fears me!!"

I cannot say enough good things about our first Trick or Treating experience here on post. Everyone was friendly and there were TONS of houses with their lights on or they were even outside waiting on the kids. Jake commented that he felt like this was what it may have been like in the 50's. Hundreds of children walking with their parents and so, so many dressed up! I loved that even the teenagers dressed up!!
I am so glad it's over....yet, I can't wait for next year!
So cute. Sure wish I could have been there. At least Mac doesn't seem to mind taking least not yet. Glad y'all had fun! :)
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