(Their blogs, not them...I'm no stalker!)
They each do 365 photos a year.
One photo.
How cool is that?!
And to my knowledge they never cheat and actually take a photo EVERY day.
This is my goal for 2010.
To take one photo, everyday, for 365.
Think I can do it?
You double-dog-daring me?
You're on!
I can do this.

You can follow me here...onephotoeveryday365.blogspot.com
Happy New Year.
oh!! So wonderful!
I started 365's for both of my kids last year, and its been AMAZING. I've missed a few days here or there, but its really been insane to watch them grow. Not to mention, my photography skills have really gotten better since the beginning.
What a great year of pictures you'll have :)
I am going to attempt to do 365 too. You and I can hold each other accountable with our posts...I triple dog dare ya!
awesome idea!!
This idea has been rolling around in my head but I'm scared... Scared I'll poop out and not follow through!
Great idea! Love it! I'm headed over to follow you now!
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