don't say i didn't warn ya!
the weatherman told us 6-10 inches of snow was headed our way.
i didn't believe him.
the last time he said we were to get 2-6 inches we only got a half inch.
see why it was hard for me to believe him?
well, he was right on this time.
we got at least 6 inches.
Hubs said it's more like 8 inches.
i say it's a LOT!
The Hunky Hubs and I looked at each other last night as the snow fell and again this morning and said "can you believe we live here??"
it's so awesome to live where it snows.

my little snow angel.

about five minutes after these pictures were taken she screamed.
cold is not her friend!

sledding was a huge hit...
once we found the perfect little hill.

of course, Daddy had to try it out first.
ya know, to make sure it was safe.

proof that i was there.

not really sure why my eye is closed and i look twenty pounds heavier.
it was the car window...
yep, the car window added those pounds.
Looks like you guys had a blast! Love Jett's pink gloves. hee hee!
Looks like HEAPS of fun!! Would love to take the boys to the snow one day, they are really interested in it having never seen it. Snow falling is a magical thing.
That looks like so much fun!
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