reading the way they handle deployments.
seeing activities they do while their hubs' are away.
learning of their next duty station.
laughing with them.
crying with them.
praying for them.
reading other MilSpouse blogs makes me feel connected to a larger group of women who are in the same season of life as myself.
wifeofasailor had a brilliant idea for all of us to get to know each other a little bit more.
each week, she’ll post a list of questions on thursday (so you can have your blog ready on Friday).
go to her blog on friday and enter your blog post into Mr. Linky so others know who else participated and we can all visit other blogs.
here are this weeks questions.
1. What is your favorite household chore? Seriously? I loathe chores! But, if I must choose one I'll go with vacuuming or mowing the grass. I can actually hear myself think over the roar of the'd be surprised how far the kiddos will run when one of those two machines gets started!
2. What is your favorite childhood memory? hmmmm...summers spent with grandma. I spent every summer with one grandma or the other. Each of them had their own daytime TV routine. I was able to sneak in a few cartoons here and there...and then sit with them and watch soap operas or game shows or the news. I remember being bored to death at the time. Now, I wish I could watch with them again!
3. What is your most embarrassing moment? ok. So, this is kind of recent. Like, since I've been married, recent. Hubs was watching some movie called the Alamo. Or maybe it was just about the Alamo. Either way I thought it was fiction. Not true. It's become a family joke now...Melissa didn't know the Alamo was real. Whatev! I must have missed that day at school. Or, it's quite possible that my small christian school just decided that wasn't an important enough part of history. I don't know. But, believe you me, I know it exsists now!!!
4. What uniform of your spouse’s is your favorite? I love all of my Hubs' BDU's (no longer), DCU's (no longer), and ACU's...YUM! He's hot in them all!
5. What canceled TV show do you miss the most? Golden Girls!!! It goes right along with my fondest childhood memory. My Grandma Pittman watched it every night. She laughed and laughed. I didn't understand the humor then. Now, I laugh and laugh. That Rose and Sophia are HILARIOUS!!!!

goodness, this picture was so long ago.
i still had braces.
i was pregnant with jett.
Hubs had not yet been commissioned.
we still lived in jacksonville.
2006, maybe.
an oldie, but a goodie!
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