you should go!
and if you're military you MUST go!
hubs really wanted to take the kids.
we had never been and didn't know what it cost to get in.
as we were walking up to the ticket counter i could see the admission prices and was doing the math in my head.
adults (12 years and older) – $21.99
children (ages 6-11) – $10.99
children (ages 2-5) – $4.99
me: "Babe, it's going to cost close to $70 for all of us to get in there."
can you sense the panic in my voice???
hubs: "well, let's just go see."
we get up to the ticket counter and ask if they offer a military discount.
(everyone should! that's my opinion on that.)
imagine our complete and utter shock when she said that each person over five would have to pay $3.99.
we'll take four of those, please!
(the littles were free!!!)
*singing in my best high voice* HALLEJUAH!!
i wasn't expecting much from the aquarium.
a tourist trap was the first thought to cross my mind.
we were in gatlinburg, tn, afterall.
it wasn't at all tourist-y.
it was amazing.
fishes, fishes, and more fishes.
horseshoe crabs.
oh, and fishes.
i took so many pictures.
mind you, i really need to learn to use this camera in manual mode...
some of them are blurry.
some are lacking in showing the true brilliance of the sea creature.
it might help if i learned how to photo edit.
(hubs said i can take some college photography classes when he finishes college. how fun will that be??? i can't wait!! hopefully, i'll have my nikon d5000 by then. *hint, hint to whoever's listening out there.*)

ya gotta love a daddy that'll get down and play with his kiddos!

petting the horseshoe crabs.
did you know you can pick those things up?

the bubba gump shrimp guy...
i guess the best place to advertise would be the aquarium.

jake took the flip camera that hubs brought home from one of his care packages.
he video'd everything.
after his first video he ran off and exclaimed "yes! 54 seconds of pure awesomeness!!!"

the ripley's aquarium was awesome!
if you live anyway near gatlinburg or are planning a trip this is so worth your time and money!!!
(no, i didn't get paid to tell you all about them. i wish!)
That's it. I'm joining your family.
You guys are so fun!!
Great pictures! I love that aquarium. I can't wait to take Noah. I'll bet Jett had sooo much fun.
Those were awesome pics. our handsome grandsons and gorgeous granddaughter! I cracked up when I got to the picture of Jett Richard determined to grab hold of one of the horseshoe crabs, he would have gone in head first if thats what it was going to take to reach his goal. LOL He makes me laugh and yet hes sooo serious :0) Love the tube to come up into the aquarium!! So glad you all could do that!!! We love you all so much!!
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