my phone, also my alarm clock, died in the middle of the night.
fun times.
jake ran into my room at 7:57 and asked if he had missed the bus.
ummm...i'm pretty sure if you haven't already, you will.
no i won't. i'm gonna make it.
and he did.
{the bus gets here at 8:00}
after talking to a friend about this we deduced that there was no way he brushed his teeth or ate breakfast.
i'll make him brush when he gets home.
life goes on.
and, he always eats breakfast at school. his request.
so, if you read this blog often enough, you know i have two school aged children.
yep, jonah missed the bus.

as i was beginning to feel the pressure of getting showered, getting dressed, getting jett dressed for preschool, getting jonah fed breakfast since he'll be too late to eat at school, getting mckinley out of bed, change her diaper, get her dressed, feed jett and mckinley...
oh, you get it. i was feeling pressure.
getting very overwhelmed.
in the midst of this overwhelming, i'm-going-to-pull-my-hair-out moment, i get a text.
"i'm at starbucks what do u want"
caramel machiatto, please.
next text.
"1 caramel machiatto coming up! see u in a few"
dearest jamie. you rock!

and that's not all.
she comes bearing gifts, y'all!

all of this yummy homebaked goodness is mine. all mine.
ok. i'll share.

jett. "argh! i'm a pirate!"
it's going to continue to be a good day.
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