This website is a personal site written and edited by me. This site accepts forms of cash advertising, sponsorship, paid insertions or other forms of compensation.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

my kid's better than your kid.

you should definitely be jealous!
{chanler and jake}

i was approached by these charming little guys with the thought provoking question of "can the average human lick his own armpit?"
i'm gonna say no.
but, before i could say a thing these two were raising their arms and pulling down the sleeves in a sec to show me that they are, in fact, above average!

although, these thoughts and photos are my own...
this post was completely inspired by beki.
you know the one.
i may seem like a stalker, er lurker, er nothing's going to sound good...
bottom line?
she's a friend.
one that i would miss if you took my computer away from me!
sound pathetic?
oh well.
it's my life.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

a question.

i got a convo on etsy the other day.
i always get super excited when i get these...
it usually means an eager buyer needs a quick question answered before they hit commit to buy.
well, this time was a little different.
it was from a sweet momma who has a son who is considering joining the army.
ok, only soldiers say that.
it's not pretty coming outta my mouth.
let's just say i was SO excited to hear that her son was thinking of the army!!
but, then i realized she was wanting to know an army wife perspective on the army.
what should she expect.
any words that she may not have already been told.
from me?
i was flattered!
and then scared to answer cause what if i said something that turned her and her son away from choosing the army.
well, i'll let you read what i said.
these are my honest to goodness thoughts.
i think if you've been reading this blog for any length of time,
or even if only for the last three months,
then you'll guess what i told her.

Hi {future army momma}! (this isn't really how i began...i just didn't want to share her name)

Well, being an Army wife is a challenge. It's also a blessing.

Gosh, I'm searching for words...I think the one thing about being an Army wife that stands out the most to me is a great sense of pride in America. I don't think even the most proud American can truly feel the sense of pride an Army spouse/family member can feel. We stand apart from the rest of the country. We know the sacrifices made to make this country great. We understand the heartache of hearing our loved one say "I've got orders." We know more than ANYONE what it feels like to miss our soldier/spouse/family member for ONE WHOLE YEAR...and sometimes longer!

We, as Army spouses/family members, also see what the Army does for our loved one! I'm pretty sure my husband was a proud American before he joined the Army. (He comes from a long line of police officers) But, I think that being an American soldier has given him a deeper sense of pride. There's a glimmer of something special, sometimes even a tear, in his eyes when he hears The National Anthem. He enjoys the 4th of July more than anyone I've ever known. The Declaration of Independance has taken on a whole new meaning. These emotions are ones I, as an Army wife, will NEVER understand. It is only truly understood by the soldier, the one who stands on the "front line" for our freedoms.

Yes, some of all of this pride and understanding comes with age and a smidge of wisdom. However, it is my opinion that the Army has played a part. Even if only a small part.

I'm not sure I answered your question or even helped you in feeling better about your son's decision. I hope I did a little.

Will you tell your son that my husband and I are very proud of him thinking of becoming an American Soldier? I think he'll be glad he did!


I love you, Hubs!
Thank you for all you do for our family AND this country!!!!!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

southern style salsa

oh man, this stuff is good!!!
you WILL. NOT. be disappointed in making this recipe!!
and if you are, send it to me. i'll eat it!

see the teeny glimpse of my diet mountain dew can in the top right??
it completes the meal.
hmmm....southern style salsa paired with tortilla chip strips and dt mtn dew may or may not have been my meal that night.
and my late night snack.
and my mid morning snack the following day.
i might or might not have raved about it to my father and mother in-law and then made it for them when we were in florida for spring break.
it's good stuff.
you'll think so too!

i just noticed the recipe says 12 servings....
um, it was more like 3.
for what it's worth, i'm a BIG maybe a teaspoon full on one chip...
*tip toeing slowly outta sight*

{this is a pampered chef recipe}

Monday, April 26, 2010

did ya know? and a $20 GC Giveaway

**Giveaway CLOSED**
Congrats He&Me+3!!!

today is Kroger's National Kids and Pets Day.
fun, huh?
sometimes i feel like having four kiddos is about as hard as having lots of pets....
but, then i think that pets just might be the cleanest of the two species.
did ya know that Hubs told Jonah he could have a dog when he gets home????
another hmmm...
anyway, moving on.

i have a bit of interesting info to share.
if you are looking for a new family pet you'll for sure want to read on.
if you like free groceries then you DEFINITELY want to read on!


Pets are such an important part of America's families, and making sure that they are happy and well cared for is a huge responsibility. Everything from finding the right pet to making decisions their health and well-being is a major undertaking that can impact the whole family.

Family Friendly doggie breeds:
*Cocker Spaniel – These lap dogs are sensitive and sweet and enjoy the attention of children. Cocker Spaniels are obedient with training and friendly around people.
*Pug – This affectionate breed loves being part of a family. Outgoing and mischievous, they make playful companions for children.
*Golden Retriever – Similar to Labs in personality, Goldens are mild mannered and enjoy being around families and other people. These dogs are easy to train are gentle with children.
*Basset Hound – This breed is good with children of all ages. They are known for their docile nature and gentleness. Their long backs need to be supported when they are picked up, and an eager child can accidentally injure them.

Tips parents can teach their children regarding safe pet play:
*Teach your children to pet softly, stay away from food dishes, toys and bones, and not to startle your dog or cat when it is sleeping.
*Keep babies and toddlers at a level higher than your dog. Dogs perceive height as representative of their hierarchy. Keep your children off the floor when the dog is in the room.
*Don’t give your dog toys that resemble your children’s toys or clothing. Stay away from fabric stuffed dog toys that resemble your child’s stuffed animals.
*Involve your child in your dog’s care. Even just the presence of your child in the same room while your dog is receiving his favorite things or activities can help build a positive association to children.

For more information on family friendly breeds or additional tips on teaching your children about pet safety, visit Kroger’s Pet Health blog.

Want to have a back-up plan if your pooch gets sick??
Kroger has pet insurance!
Overview of Kroger’s pet insurance offerings:
Offered through PetFirst, Kroger pet insurance policies cover routine care and medical procedures for dogs and cats, and is available at more than 2,400 stores in the Kroger family including City Market, Dillon’s, Fred Meyer, Frye’s, King Sooper, Owen’s, Pay Less, QFC, Ralph’s and Smith’s. In addition to being available in-store, Kroger’s pet insurance can be purchased online. Kroger’s pet insurance works at any veterinarian nationwide, with reimbursement typically occurring within two weeks. Coverage starts as low as $9.95 per month and right now, individuals who purchase online can save $10.

Want to win???
One (1) lucky reader will win a $20 Kroger Gift card good at any Kroger family store!

First, leave me a comment telling what kind of pet your family has. What makes them the best pet ever??? Maybe I can then convince Hubs that we need a Gerbil instead...

You can also leave additional comments for EXTRA entries for

following my blog,
following me, @jonahbonah, on Twitter,
following @PetsOfHealth on Twitter,
tweet about this can say "Enter to win a $20 Kroger Gift Card from @PetsOfHealth and @jonahbonah #pethealth #giveaway",
and thanking a soldier that passes by.

(Don't forget to leave a comment for each!)

the fine print: Giveaway ends on May 4th at 10pm Central time. Winner will be chosen by Open to US entrants only. Winner must contact me within 40 hours to claim prize or alternate winner will be chosen. Please remember to leave your email address so I may contact you once you've won.

For helping raise awareness of National Kids & Pet Day I was provided with a $20 gift card to spoil {the pet in my life} and a $20 gift card to giveaway to a reader so that they could do the same by the Global Influence Network and the Kroger Co. The thoughts and opinions here are my own.

the three little pigs

i am proud to announce that i am now the proud momma to a reader!!!

this is his "i'm concentrating" face.

i'm so proud of you jonah!!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

watch out vera...

there's a new designer in town.
QTCreations is my new fave!
how cute is this clutch???
yep, it's mine!

ok, so i know i've already mentioned that one...
it was worth the repeat.
don't ya think?

here's a few more that are in my faves.

from ohsohappytogether, her too fun octopus pattern.

from JavaJaneDesigns, a print that i just might need to purchase NOW for mckinley's room!

from afdesigns, this necklace belongs around my neck!
it says "my hubby saves lives"
he does.
have you thanked a soldier today???

Saturday, April 24, 2010

it's potty time

oh, how i love this boy.
do you see that little face??
this is his "i'm gonna do this potty thing when i'm ready" face.
he is in NO hurry.
and i'm not either.
i know he will not go to kindy in diapers...

for the record...
this was only one day of potty pictures.
he was not so interested the next day.
maybe tomorrow?

Friday, April 23, 2010

fingerprint friday

There is a song by Steven Curtis Chapman that says:
I can see the fingerprints of God
When I look at you
I can see the fingerprints of God
And I know its true
You're a masterpiece
That all creation quietly applauds
And you're covered with the fingerprints of God

So look around you and see where YOU can see God's fingerprints. Is it in nature? Kids? Animals? Where do you see them?


i was just telling someone the other day...
"my boys are amazing but, there's something special about having a daughter."
mckinley has really showed me that little girls are to be TREASURED.
she is a diamond in the rough, if you will.
after three little boys she is a breath of fresh air.
mckinley is a confirmation that He is listening to our prayers.

i love you mckinley!!!
and because daddy isn't here to tell you everyday....he loves you so much too!!!!

now, go leave your fingerprint friday on beki's blog.
bring your latte with you and visit her a while.
you'll be glad you did!
her and country living {the magazine, not the lifestyle} are *tight*!!
love ya, beki!!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

the amazing houdini

this is my mckinley, the {wanna be} escapee.



"oh no! i'm caught!!"

"ah well, i'll just sit here and pretend i'm being good."

oh great!
now there's two trying to get outta here....

{FYI, the above seriously dirty windows have been cleaned since the photographing of those beautiful children. oh, and the windows don't open any more than you see in the before mentioned photos. therefore, no children can escape!}

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

what did i do today?

see these packages?
ready to ship!

see this clutch?
my new fave!
i even threw my vera(bradley) to the side...

wordless wednesday



Tuesday, April 20, 2010

dear miss taylor swift,

you and me?
we're tight.
my boys think so anyway.

you see,
i watched you...
i mean,
you and i rocked out tonight.

i might be older than dirt
but, i'm becoming a bigger fan every time i hear you perform!

and my boys think you're great!!!

a mommy and her two boys

p.s. we live 45 minutes from nashville....and we'd love to see you live!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

baby names

{this photo has absolutely nothing to do with this post....just needed a pic.}

you like that title don't you???
it was late the other night and i sat at my computer and doodled baby names on a piece of paper.
cause we're going to have another baby....
one day.
in the future.
not now...
chill out!

wanna know what the names are??

going back to jennalee rose.
this is what we were going to name mckinley.
then we decided we have enough j names.
i am also loving molly marie

javen (hubs suggested this name. i kinda like it.) medrick (after my grandpa)
jasper owen (jake says we shouldn't use owen again...that's jonah's middle name.)

what got me thinking of baby names when i'm not even pregnant???
i ran into this sweet lady at target the other day.
she worked there and asked if she could help me find anything.
i told her i was just looking for something new for my boys....cause they really need something new.
she said she understood cause she has five children of her own.
we started chatting and she said that she would really love to have another baby.
me too!
she already knows that her next baby will be a boy and his name will be timothy emmanuel.
well, i have no idea what my next baby's name will be or if it'll be a boy or a girl.
so, that night i thought of names.
i could at least be a little prepared.

she was such a sweet lady.
la tasha was her name.
i'll be praying for her and little timothy emmanuel.
that's her future baby's name.
and for my little javen, jennalee, molly, or jasper.
desicions, desicions....

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Happy Tax Day!

Are you finished with your taxes?
Have you sent Uncle Sam his fair share?
Well, in honor of this very special day...
or, just because it's a good excuse...
please ENJOY 15% off your total order from ME!

Click here for your buying pleasure --->

Enter TAX15 at checkout and I will refund your 15% via Paypal pronto!

because no post should be without pictures...
a few of my past faves.

Apple Of My Eye

Mr. or Miss Mouse

GO! Bananas

Little Ducky

Thanks for takin' a peek...
I hope to sew for you soon!

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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

in the country

i am such a city girl.
i married a country boy.
and while i have no desire to live in the country it is fun to visit.
(Hubs' parents live in the sticks!)
jett thinks so too!



they have ten chickens.
i must have missed the day at school when we learned about chickens laying eggs and how an egg becomes a chicken cause my father-in-law gave me a quick lesson while showing us his new chickens.
it's a little more complex than i once thought.
i might be able to eat eggs again....
new found knowledge is good stuff!

who you lookin' at?




one mean horse.
and he's a mini horse...
i could see being mean if he were full size...
but he's mini.
he's suppost to be sweet.
he's not.

i was bored and started taking pictures of random rust.
this picture made me think of my bloggy pal, beki, aka the rusted chain.

i was about to capture the most perfect shot of the trunk of a pine tree looking towards the sky when i saw this little fella...
i don't care how small or harmless you say he might be...
he is a BIG reason i am a city girl!!!
i get the heebie jeebies get thinking about that creepy crawly thing.

run for your life!!!

are you a city girl or a country gal???


it's been a long week.
i spent the last 10, no 11, days in florida.
sound relaxing?
at times.
totally relaxing on day 9...
i got, you ready for this???, a mani, pedi, eyebrow waxing, AND a haircut!
watch out!
mama had some down time!!!
so nice.
so needed.

ready for a few confessions??

confession #1: i stopped at Tarjay on the way home and bought Hannah Montana The Movie soundtrack...
good stuff!
track #6, Hoedown Throwdown...
it'll make you want to get up and dance.
you've been warned!
it's good stuff!
we might or might not have listened to it six times back to back.
and, well, i might be a little late to the party....
consider it age.
i'll be thirty this year.
but, to my kids, i'm the coolest!
check out how cool this is...

am i a dork?
it's all part of confession #1!

confession #2: i miss my hubby.
life is no fun alone.
no fun.
mama needs her man back!

confession #3: i have a new found love for american idol and dancing with the stars.
the hubs would be so ashamed.
he's not a t.v. watcher, ya know.
the "one-eyed monster" in his book.
i must watch it and then critique the contestants and then make a prediction of who gets the boot next.
all to myself, of course.
it's a weakness.
don't fault me for needing to get a life.
remember my husband isn't here.
and it stinks.
t.v. is the next best thing to a real person.

confession #4: i have a great desire to give my hubs a great big kiss....and i can't.
you girls who have your hubby right next to you,
or in the next room,
get up and give him a kiss.
right now.
i'll wait.
ok, good, you're back.
don't take advantage of his presence.
he's there.
not a million miles away.
go give him another kiss.
i'm going to bed.
no more confessions for tonight.
i've suceeded in making myself feel a little bit more sorry for myself....
good night.

psst...don't forget to thank a soldier today!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Downtown Disney with my babies...

we take the kids every now and again to Rainforest Cafe in Nashville.
the kids love it.
we love it.
and jett really loves it!
as a matter of fact he's been asking to go to "rainbow cafe", as he calls it, for months.
every day.
i promised him when we got to florida that we would go.
and we did!
unfortunately, this was my best picture...
he would NOT sit still and well, it was only me.
vacation with babies is exhausting!

after lunch we walked around for a few hours...
the lego store is always a big hit.
my big boys would have REALLY loved it.
jett doesn't quite have an appreciation for lego yet.
he did love these lego creations though!




jake austin will love these pictures! he loves star wars lego especially!


one last disney picture before we leave.

in the truck jett chowed down on his sucker!

cheeses for daddy!!!!

check out this oil stain i found as i was getting the kidlets into the truck.
see it?
unintentional hidden mickey?
i think so!

see ya real soon mickey!