it kinda sorta started while we were in florida.
i took him to the doctor in jacksonville and he was put on antibiotics for a possible bug bite...or five.
when we got home it only got worse.
way worse.
like all over the upper arm and whole leg and on his back. but, not on his chest or hands and feet.
i first took him to urgent care. the physicians assistant was stumped.
she gave him an antibiotic, an antibacterial cream, and a steroid cream to ease his discomfort.
my next stop four days later was the pediatrician.
again, she was stumped.
she said to remain on the antibiotic, see the dermatologist in the morning, and also prescribed an anti-itch syrup to keep him from scratching his arms and legs to pieces.
finally, we get to the dermatologist the following day.
jett first sees a physicians assistant. he says he'll go discuss his findings with the doctor.
then, he brings in the doctor and another physicians assistant. they talk in doctor lingo...all the while speaking a language that is completely foreign to me!
the doctor asks if i mind if she brings her colleague in so he can have a look...seriously?!?!
the possibilities included mites, scabies, and molluscum.
after looking images of these rashes up on the internet i'm pretty confused as to why they would think that.
turns out it is a viral infection that stemmed from a upper respiratory infection. weird.
jett has been a great sport about the whole and out of doctors, vial after vial of blood drawn, medicine after medicine...all to find out it just has to run its course.

i'm so glad you're feeling better, big boy!
Oh, What a memory, momma :0)LOL
Glad he's better!
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