{click on the link to see the article, all photos, and a video of the welcome home ceremony...mckinley and i even have a small speaking part!}
i was flattered to see that out of 189 soldiers and families there was more than one shot of my hubs and my kiddos.
i wish i could tell this photographer thank you personally...
thank you, bill larson, if you're reading.
you RAK!

this is a little long but so worth the watch.
grab some tissues, sit back, and be thankful for your freedom.
then, go thank a soldier!
{jett and jonah are seen in the first few seconds.
look for the black shirts with red torii's on the back.
mac and i are about 30 seconds into the video saying welcome home to our hero!}
i haven't said thank you to all of you who have offered support and prayers.
thank you!
without so many of you i think i would have been off my rocker by the time hubs arrived safely back home.
deployments are tough. they suck!
{i don't let my kids say that word and it's not a word i often use...but, in this case it exactly, and kindly, describes a deployment}
my friends who are far away, close enough to cry on their shoulder and those inside my computer, THANK YOU!
you RAK!
do you wonder why i say RAK instead of ROCK?
the hubs is a rakkasan with the 101st airborne division.
i'm sure we aren't the ones who started it...
but while making all those "daddy raks!" tees my friend, Jamie, and i started saying everything RAKS.
you RAK.
these tees are going to RAK.
my hubs RAKS!
no, my hubs RAKS!!
ok, we didn't go round and round about who's hubs RAKS more.
but, you get the idea.
_____ RAKS! has just stuck.
maybe not so much with her... :o)
i might over use it.
so, there you have it.
the final post on the best welcome home ceremoney eva!
and the history of why i spell RAKS incorrectly.
lol i say Rak your probably right though not as much as you! we did however come up with the RAK thing!! well i did ;o)
ne who you RaK
no, you rak! :o)
That is awesome he got so many of your family :)
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