they are simple.
not a lot of thought goes in to them.
can i just say i'm not much of a writer...not these days anyway.
hopefully, i'll get back in the groove soon.
until then, i'll share my days {in pictures}.

*dames point bridge, jacksonville, florida.
*hubs and i got up for an early morning run on mayport beach.
*naval ship at naval station mayport.
*on the dames point bridge again on the way home from mayport.
*do you see the dinosaur in the clouds?
*dames point, again.
*the lovers on the way home from an excrutiating run.
*four wheelin' fun.
*peeled {apple}.
*tree bark.
*my favorite picture of the day. mckinley and jett in their best callahan duds.
*jonah feeding his baby cousin, noah.
*a tire.
*the sand dollar i found on our morning beach run.
*baby noah and i.
*jonah made a dragonfly out of his apple slices.
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