you know, the way it was back in the old days.
we grow our own flowers.

and cucumbers.

and tomatoes.

we can our own salsa.
{with the before mentioned homegrown tomatoes.}

and we have friends over to make homemade fruit pizza.

i think we should do this more often.
look how well they work together.

all done.
it was delish.
and healthy taboot!
what have you homegrown or homemade lately??
Thanks for updating! Love the new pics. Noah and I just finished naming everyone on the pictures. He smiled when he saw Aunt Melly, and the fruity pizza. :)
How fun!
My cucumbers are doing really well, but I planted a little variety that's great for pickling. So I've been making pickles!
Our tomatoes are doing great too. We eat several a day with salt.
I need to make salsa though!
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