who's big idea was it to "spring forward" and "fall back" with our time?
it gets me every time.
every. time.
i never know if i'm gaining an hour of sleep or losing an hour of sleep.
the way i see it i always lose.
when i fall back i feel like i can go to bed later.
when we spring forward i feel like i can sleep in.
or vice versa.
or how ever it goes.
it's just not good for me.
as a result, we were late getting up this morning.
moral of the story?
monday after "spring forward" does not make for a spring in my step when 7 am rolls around.
now, let's talk about the weekend.
i was solo. with all four kiddos.
hubs ditched us for florida.
{he's job hunting so i'll forgive him.
will you be praying?
we're searching for God's will.}

this is my "i can't believe we're on our way to church and gonna be on time, without daddy" look.

hubs comes home today.
it'll be a happy monday, afterall.
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