and that means we have less and less time to raise them to be amazing adults.
less time to teach them to be selfless.
less time to show them the importance of putting others in front of themselves.
two weeks ago hubs came up with the idea...{i suggested it a long time ago but you know a man has to "come up with it" himself. whatev.}...hubs came up with the idea to sit down every sunday and write cards to friends and family.
two weeks ago we did just that.
we wrote cards to SO MANY folks!
all of us.
we all sat down with a stack of cards and colored and drew pictures and wrote "thinking of you's."
by wednesday our friends and family were receiving our cards and letting us know how much it blessed their day.
my friend texted me and said, "got your card, made me cry. i am so blessed."
i love that girl!
it was simple.
you know what that card said?
it simply said in big letters "thinking of you!"
that's it.
but, it made her day.
today we sat down and wrote out cards to friends and family again.

twenty cards.
{doing our part to insure the post office doesn't go bankrupt}
my prayer is that each of those cards will reach its recipient at a time when they most need a hug.
when they most need to feel that they are loved.
at a time that they most need to hear the words "i'm thinking of you."
i wrote to a few little people, too.
my kids LOVE to get mail.
i just know that these three little girls are going to be giddy with excitement that they get a letter IN THE MAIL!
i drew them each little pictures, as well.

you're thinking of someone right now, aren't you?
i know you are.
you're thinking of someone who could use a hug.
who could use a word of encouragement.
who could use something happy in their mailbox besides a stack of bills.
i dare you.
i double dog dare you!
write a letter, long or short, today.
or this week.
just do it.
and put it in the mail.
you'll bless someone.
i know you will!
will you share with me once you have?
just leave me a comment saying you did it!
let's see if among my readers we can match my family's twenty cards.
I just (not even an hour ago) made a happy mail box (with hand-written card inside) to send to a friend as my rsvp to her wedding. Nothing big and fancy, just some coffee, sweet treats, and prayers. I think your idea is wonderful - Challenge accepted!! Thank you for sharing such a simple yet personal way to touch the people in our lives!
What a wonderful idea Melissa! I just might have to stop by the store this week and get some paper and envelopes to start our own family traditional next Sunday! <3
Love this and I am all over it!
love this. we will be doing this soon. I send out tons of birthday cards every month, but not as many "thinking of you" cards as I should. thanks for the inspiration :)
Taking on your challenge, and helping spread it on!
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