there are moments that i get lost in thinking about my friends in tennessee.
the neighborhood kids.
our church family.
my amazing neighbors.
to get through the sadness i surround myself with this...

natalie the wonder baby.

a mommy and aunt mel sammy.

we go on four-wheeler rides.

mckinley misses her friend, emma, terribly.
she passes time by letting the wind blow through her hair.

hubs is just in his element.
and then there's this random moment that makes me glad to be back in florida...when the lights turn on for me as i walk down the freezer aisle in publix.

florida is great, but i miss you jamie, hollie, christy, rebecca, laura, sandy, jen, gina, ashley, and so many others!!
I get it! I moved here for hubby 8 years ago and for 8 years I wanted out! But now it's home! I love where we have landed and I know i can be happy if I just let go and live! It's not always fonna be easy on hot christmas days but like you said we can always find little ways to love it her if we try!
Miss you too Mel! I hope the next chapter is filled with lots of laughter and love. Tony is about to head to fort polk for 30 days and I will have time to get the boys to sit down and send you some mail!!!
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