hello, hot date with the mister.

hello, amazing pulled pork wet burrito from the grom in jacksonville beach, florida.
{yep, i added all that info so you can travel to get your own. it's that yummy.}

hello, passing hearing test scores!

hello to a possible new, artsy venture.

hello, handsome hubby who brings me flowers.
{he's amazing, y'all!}

hello, four-wheeler ride with my boy.

hello, bracelets made by women {and men} living in extreme poverty in haiti.
{my church is selling these to help benefit the jacksonville baptist association and the caberet children's home in haiti}

{photo from compassionbloggers.com}
recently i was chosen to blog for compassion international.
and this month is very special for compassion bloggers.
they are prizes involved for both me and sponsered children.
but, i'm not doing it for the prizes.
i'm doing it for the countless children who are living in poverty each and every day while i sit in my comfy recliner, in an air conditioned home, and type this post from my computer...all while sipping an ice cold diet coke.
compassion's goal for september is to get more children sponsered in 2012 than previous septembers.
3,108 children.
now, i know i don't have that many followers.
and i can't sponser them or get them sponsered all on my own.
but, i can pray that together WE help these children see hope in their future.
you with me???
meet me back here tomorrow for more deets!
{want to become a compassion blogger?
sign up here.}
linking up with lisa leonard for hello monday.
Looks like you had a wonderful week!
Compassion International is a wonderful organization!
hello, to you! :) love this post!
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