halloween is right around the corner.
and we need an excuse to give {and receive} happy mail!
@angdoran79 and @jonahbonah introduce to you the first annual halloween swap!!!

ready to hear the deets?
here we go! first. email one of us. (jakemelissajakea@aol.com or angdoran79@yahoo.com) leave a comment here. text one of us. instagram one of us. tweet one of us. let us know you want in, and leave us your email address. we'll sign you up - and contact you for your mailing address. sign ups close at midnight on september 14.
second. spread the word. tell your friends. tweet about it. instagram it. facebook it. the more people who sign up, the more fun this will be.
third. on sunday, september 16 we will email you your partner's information.
fourth. on or before october 1 shop for and mail your goodies. this means your package should be en route to its recipient NO LATER THAN the 1st.
fifth. receive & document your goodies! this is the fun part! blog, instagram, tweet your halloween swap fun. be sure and use #hallowswap on instagram & twitter so other swappers can find you!
finally. link up! on october 15th we'll meet back here and share our swap packages and goodies with our blog communities.
so, to re-cap...
contact one of us before september 14.
spread the word.
on september 16 you'll get a swap assignment.
shop and ship before october 1.
receive happy mail.
let everyone on social media know how much fun you're having with the hash tag #hallowswap.
link up on oct 15.
a couple of FAQ's:<br>
1. what do i send in my package??
anything halloween themed or orange and black. ie; candy, decorations, cupcake mix, cupcake liners, sprinkles, hand towels, fun socks.
2. i'm crafty. can i send handmade goodies instead of store bought?
um, YEAH!! i think most of us would rather handmade over store bought.
3. do i have to spend a bunch of money?
of course not. i recommend spending no more than $20. but, it's entirely up to you.
4. is the swap open to gals outside of the usa?
unfortunately, not this time. unless, i get a few gals that say they will be willing to ship outside the usa. so...i guess i'll have to get back to ya. :0)
that's it. if you think of any other questions let me know. i'll update this post as they come in.
ready, set, GO!
the sign-ups start NOW!
I'm in! Amanda.fien@hotmail.com
me, me, me!! tarascott.art@gmail.com - exciteddddd ! <3
Me too! alexisanderson@me.com
I totally want in on this!! Eddiandizosmom@yahoo.com :)
Soooooo fun!!! I'm in! :) I emailed you :)
I want in! Payphonesandtypewriters@gmail.com
Me! I want in! Payphonesandtypewriters@gmail.com
Count me in, kristinaanneabel@yahoo.com!
Sandyringle@yahoo.com I will try this again!!
So excited! :)
amber.farnham@gmail.com :)
I want in!
I'm in :)
This is a very cool idea. I'd love to join the fun.
Lebby2010@yahoo.com :)
Count me in how exciting, my favorite time of year tiggy808_79@yahoo.com
Sounds fun!! shannon@thesimplemoms.com :) Thanks!!
I'm in and am super excited! emily@formerlyknownasemj.com
Sounds fun!! Sign me up cdates@me.com
Sounds fun!! Sign me up cdates@me.com
Me! Nikkibrandt829@gmail.com
I'm in! Sounds like fun. Calie@broccolicupcake.com
I would be honored! Sign me up!
I would be honored! Sign me up!
Hi I did not receive any swap info, wanted to make sure I wasn't missing anything.
thank you
What a fun idea! I wish I had seen this earlier! Nice little blog you have going here. :)
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