i knew when jonah expressed interest in scouting that it would be a good fit for him.
he loves the outdoors.
he's eager to learn.
he loves to fish and shoot guns {with supervision}.
he plays well with others.
he's been going every thursday for three weeks and LOVING every minute!
i go, too. and i'm loving it right along with him!!
our first week we were late because i misunderstood the calendar...but, it was raining so they didn't do much anyway.
our second week the boys covered their books with paper bags that they colored with markers.

last night the boys worked from their handbooks on the flag ceremony achievment.
the american flag is very special to our family, since we're a military family.
to see all of the boys so eager to learn how to be respectful of the flag was super!

one more thing jonah loves about cub scouts?
he gets to hang out with his new bud.

remember how i told you i am super excited about scouts, too?
i am.
in a couple of weeks jonah and i are going on our first cub scout campout!!!
and sleeping in a tent.
on the ground.
for real.
{well, i will be taking an air mattress...}
on our camping trip jonah will earn his fishing and swimming badges.
there is also an enormous rock climbing wall that jonah's pretty stoked to climb!
i can not wait to share those pictures with you!!!
since joining cub scouts i have searched and searched the web looking for anything and everything cub scouts.
and there's not much.
in an effort to give a mommy perspective on scouting, you will be hearing about all of our cub scout adventures!
get ready! we're going to have LOTS of fun!!!
one more thing.
jonah's cub scout pack began selling popcorn last night.
if you would like to support jonah please email me at jakemelissajakea AT aol DOT com and i will give you the information you need to order online.
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