the other day hubs and i discussed what i do all day as a stay at home mom.
because the question of my not working {outside of the home} was raised.
back the truck up!
i don't work?
as a stay at home mom, i WORK.
hubs brought to light everything i do.
{because i was kinda making myself sound like a nobody...}
his list is more than i would've ever given myself credit for.
and that makes my heart sing.
in my husband's eyes i am...
an interior designer
a photographer
a web designer
a baker
a great cook
a seamstress
a designer
a nurse
a chauffeur
a school volunteer
those are just the ones i remember.
as he was spouting off all of the amazing that he thinks i am i was fighting back tears.
often we think so highly of others and so much less of ourselves.
we spend so much time comparing our lives to that of others.
"look at her house, it's so much bigger than mine."
"oh, her truck is so much newer than mine."
"she wears such cute clothes all the time."
"her shop is so much more successful than mine."
why do we, as women, discount ourselves?
i will give thanks to you because I have been so amazingly and miraculously made. your works are miraculous, and my soul is fully aware of this. psalm 139:14 {God's Word translation}
we need to be proud of who we are.
proud of who God made us.
the next time someone asks me why i don't go out and get a job i will simply say "i have one."
p.s. to all of you moms who work outside of the home AND have children, you are awesome{r}!
it's really easy to get down on ourselves and focus on what others have. glad your hubby sees you for what you are. :)
Awesome post, Melissa. I know this syndrome all too well! There's no win in comparison! (thank Andy Stanley for that tidbit.) Keep your head up, girl. :)
My hubs and I just had this discussion this weekend too, with the same outcome. Really, I think I was just having a pity party... but he still helped me see how God sees me. Have a great day, Melissa!
Spot on Melissa! I think we, as women, need to ground ourselves in who we are in Him and be confident in the creation He made. I also believe we need to lift one another up much more than we do now...encourage one another. You are an awesome mom and you have an amazing job. Thanks for the p.s. :)
When someone asks what I do, I always catch my self saying "oh I'm just a stay at home mom". JUST! But in truth our jobs are really huge and important. Good for your hubby for realizing it as well!
i think you're amazing, friend! whether you work outside the home or not, mothers hold down the fort, raise their children, serve their husbands, and the list goes on. in short, women are amazing. xoxo
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