is it wednesday already?
i don't think i've sat down for any significant length of time in days.
i've been too busy camping, fishing, rock climbing, and then getting back in to our regular weekly routine.

all ready for rock climbing.

jonah did great!!
and he earned his rock climbing badge!

next, it was time to go fishing.

fishing belt loop, check.

jonah had a greedy little fish.
he caught him with a worm and that fish still had someone else's bread in his mouth.

jake austin went with us, too.
{daddy had to work and the little ones stayed with ganny and poppy}

i didn't shower for nearly 48 hours, i set up {and took down} our tent on my own, i endured the crazy that was 45 screaming children, i peed in the woods, i climbed the rock wall and repelled down the repell wall. and i survived.
bring on the next camping trip!
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