{me and three of my four ducks on a zoo outing last week}
today while doing my daily blog hop i found this post written by kristen at we are THAT family.
she's a blogger who is real. tells it how it is. and i like it.
she totally put things into perspective for me today.
us moms {and women, in general} do so much for others that we often neglect ourselves.
do you?
i mean, really.
when's the last time you had a pedicure?
got a haircut? or even a trim?
had your eyebrows waxed?
shaved your legs?
sat and enjoyed a cup of coffee to the last drop?
read your bible? ouch. {i might be speaking to ME here}
when's the last time you took a shower before noon?
painted your fingernails?
put make-up on...and it wasn't date night with the hubs?
bought yourself a new pair of shoes...and not felt guilty?
we NEED to take care of ourselves.
we NEED to take time for us.
in all seriousness, our husbands deserve more than we are currently offering in our spread-too-thin-looking-like-walking-zombie selves.
our kids deserve more than our please-don't-touch-me-please-just-go-play-nice-with-your-brother rants.
you know, i have a gift certificate for a pedicure that i got for my birthday? in july? that i have yet to use.
because i haven't taken the time for me.
i'm not going to say that the buck stops here and tomorrow it's *me time.*
but, i am saying that i will be using it soon.
as soon as life settles down a smidge.
and i'm also saying that YOU need to take time for you.
you'll be a better wife and a better mama because of it.
i double dog dare you!
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