{me and my girl after our nature walk}
monday- school

{me and my shy guy}
tuesday- school, tutoring, dance, tumbling, halloween parties at dance and tumbling

{mckinley and i baked two ingredient pumpkin muffins. one can of pumpkin and one spice cake mix. mix together then bake according to cake box directions. yummo!}
wednesday- school, run/walk club, trick-or-treating,

{last minute book parade costume, check!}
thursday- school, a goodwill date with my girl, cub scouts

{kindy homework at 9:15pm...no bueno}
friday- get up uber early to get jake to school by 6:30 for a field trip to the orlando science center, school, and hopefully have a chill day

{christmas stuff at CVS on october 31. really? aw well. we had fun with it.}
i'm linking up with jeannett over at life rearranged.
see you there?
come follow me on instagram. @jonahbonah
don't forget to enter to win $50 from tiny prints. click here.
What a/good idea for muffins yum!
Looks like a great week! Thanks for sharing your pictures with us!
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