remember, i asked you to join me??
here we go.

i'm thankful that jonah has found his niche. cub scouts is such a fulfilling activity for him.

thankful for a day with my middle son. i love this boy to pieces. {cub scout food drive and then a lunch date. just he and i.}

thankful for a food truck on a sunday afternoon. hello, lunch.

thankful for a stocked pantry when so many are hungry. i'm thinking a bag full of non-perishables for the needy is in my near future.

thankful the Lord has gifted me with a talent in sewing. i love that i have built a business from it that allows my family little luxuries in life. praying to one day have an actual brick and mortar store.

thankful for medical insurance when my family is under the weather.

can i be thankful for medical insurance twice? {day two at the doctor}
p.s. my family had strep throat...and for jonah that escalated to minor pneumonia. he's on the mend. no worries! golly, it's been a sick couple of weeks for us.

so thankful mckinley loves to be in the kitchen with me. i pray constantly for see her willingness {and often times, persistence} to help as a blessing. {{when i posted this photo on instagram a follower commented, "you will be rewarded greatly when she's a teenager, for all you're pouring in to her now." those words made me thankful that i have a husband who works as hard as he does so that i may stay home with our children. what a blessing.}}

thankful that even in my mess God LOVES me. and you. yes, YOU!

thankful for all veterans who have served sacrificially to protect our america. and thankful for my husband, a proud american soldier.

thankful for digital technology. i was going through pictures on my phone and found this one from this past summer. me and my girl. i love this girl to the moon and back.
i'm not done. there are many days left in november. i've got so much to be thankful for.
til next time.

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