have you voted?
i know, i know, the official voting day isn't until tomorrow, november 6th.
but, did you know about early voting?
hubs and i totally took advantage of the early voting option.
it worked well for our schedules.
{did you know you aren't supposed to wear political tee shirts to the polls? yep, me neither. and i did. good thing i had on a tank top underneath. i just turned my shirt inside out. nothing was gonna stop me from voting. nothing, i tell ya!}

did we have to still wait in line even though we voted early?
yes, we did.
i told myself as we waited, "praise the Lord we have the right to vote."
{and we had a child in tow. no excuses, people.}
will you be voting?
notice i didn't ask who for...or even give you a push in the right direction...i just want your voice to be heard.
get out and V O T E!!!
tomorrow's the big day!
don't miss out!
2013 NEEDS YOU!!!
don't forget to enter the tiny prints giveaway. it ends today, november 5th.
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