i first saw the news on instagram.
you know, my most favorite social media outlet.
i didn't understand the magnitude until i checked my fox news app on my phone...
from there i couldn't hold back my tears.
it was time to go pick up my boys from school.
my 30 minute drive to get them was the longest ever.
visions of what the boys and girls and teachers at sandy hook elementary endured flashed through my mind.
i stopped writing on this post five days ago because no words seemed to fit.
twenty-six beautiful, innocent lives taken.
wait, twenty-seven. let's not forget about the shooter's mom.
{i think she's getting forgotten because she's his mom}
i've read lots of comments on instagram, twitter and various blogs of parents not talking to their kids about this tragedy.
i respect that.
our children should never have to hear of violent {or worse, witness} acts such as the one that happened at sandy hook elementary school that day.
i did not talk to my four and five year olds about it all. i briefly talked to my eight year old about it. i went in depth with my ten year old.
he gets picked up from school first. i used that alone time to ask what he would do if he heard gun fire in his school....and then told him, as well as i could, what to do.
i, in detail, shared with him what victoria soto did.
if he ever hears gun fire in his school, i pray he'll think to tell his classmates to run to the closet with him.

yesterday we picked up a people magazine and he read the short bios written on each child and teacher.
he read about a little boy who wrote "i love you" on his mommy's car the day before and she captured a picture of him in front of it.
he read about the principle who demanded two teachers hide in her office as she faced the shooter head on.
he also read about a little boy who is now afraid to ever go back to school.
jake asked if these boys and girls are in heaven.
my response, "those boys and girls are absolutely in Jesus' arms right now."
i believe every boy and girl, until they reach an age of accountability, or have a true understanding that Christ died on the cross for their sins, will go to heaven.
{i'm going to ask my pastor for verses pertaining to age of accountability...i'm not finding what i'm looking for with google.}
'let the little children come to me,' Jesus said, 'and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.

as we reach christmas day my heart breaks for these families.
i look around my own home and see my children's fingerprints in everything. the christmas crafts they've made, the way they decorated the tree all wonky, yet perfect, the gifts we've bought for them, our family nutcracker collection...and i can't even think of one of them not being here.
we can't change what happened last friday.
but, i think we can show others Christ's love through this tragedy.
all over social media there is a challenge {originally given by ann curry} to give #26acts of kindness to others.
it started as #20acts.
you can also search the hashtag #27acts.
what does this mean exactly??
you perform twenty, twenty-six or twenty-seven random acts of kindness in your community. or around the world.
i've seen acts such as leaving a $5 bill in the shampoo aisle, buying coffee for the customer behind you, sponsoring a child through compassion international, taping gas money to the gas pump, baking cookies for your neighbors, giving a fast food gift card to a homeless person...this list could seriously go on and on.
i told hubs i want on board with this.
i would love to bring a smile to the face of a stranger {or loved one} with a simple act of kindness.
so, i'm in. #26acts, here i come! and there will be an extra for the shooter's mom.

my first act was paying the tab of a young mom and her two small children today at mcdonald's.
she was fumbling for her wallet while holding the baby...i jumped up and asked if she minded if i paid for her bill.
she was seriously in shock.
she didn't say anything. neither did the cashier.
i told her it was my pleasure and handed the cashier the money.
i tell you this only to encourage YOU to get out there and share some kindness. in remembrance if the twenty-seven innocent lives lost on 12/14/12.
if you have anything to add to this post. please do so in the comments section. this was very tough to write given all of the emotions and the tragedy that surround it.
if you take part in #26acts please let me know. or not, if you just want to do it quietly.
but, someone may get a great idea from you!
share with us in the comments.
hug your kids extra tight tonight.
i'm definitely going to participate in #27acts. how could we forget that mother? it's easy to place blame, but we all know deep down inside that it's not her fault. thank you for reminding us all of her.
The more we learn about his mother, the more it becomes evident that we have a serious problem in this country with how we as a society deal with the mentally ill. This poor mom did everything in her power to provide the best possible care for her son. For reasons beyond her control, she was just simply not able to meet his needs. And for that reason, she and others died. So sad.
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