maybe i should start from six months ago when we left fort campbell.
we packed up as much as we could in two small trailers we pulled behind our trucks.
we left a lot behind.
some we gave. some we sold. some we trashed.
i pray there were garbage diggers. {and i'm sure there were}
six months after pulling out of ft campbell we have made it home.

home, that is, our house that we've had rented for the last three and a half years.
we bought this house in 2007.
the army called us away in 2009.
and, we're back home in 2012.
and with open arms.
our neighbors are all still there....and missed us....just as much as we missed them!
so, what's the BIG NEWS?
well, that.
i'm asking for your help.
i'm design challenged.
i know what *i* like, but hubs is hesitant to accept my choices.
i guess we're both asking for help.
what you suggest, and i ok, he'll approve.
see how this is going to have to work???
through this series i'll give you *my* do's and don't's of moving and colors and brands and stores and everything in between.
you and me are going to be a team. {yes, i know that's bad grammar.}
you can follow more closely {or in real time} on instagram.
i'm @jonahbonah and the hashtag is #jonahbonahmovesatchristmastime.

i didn't ask permission on this one.
i knew mckinley *needed* a pink bedroom.
she's really NEVER had her own room.
with her own wall color and decor.

i want her eyes to light up when she sees her new pink room....

{i hope she's tickled pink}
side note: i will NOT be using this paint again.
even with the primer IN the paint, it had a hard time covering light beige walls.
it took two gallons, two coats, and lots of trim work to cover less than 400 square feet of walls.
stay tuned for my FAVORITE brand of paint...and the one i should have stuck with in the first place.
can we discuss for a moment where you should purchase furniture if you are military??
on post, of course!
even with a military discount AND ashley furniture offering to give us tax-free we came out spending THOUSANDS less!

i will say that the general manager of our local ashley furniture offered to match the posts pricing...but, why go back and forth?
we were able to get this leather sectional couch for a fraction less than that of the "real" store.
and tax free. and 5% off with a mailer.
why do i tell you this?
if you have a military id, use it. period.
that goes for at lowe's and home depot, too.
did you know you get 10% off these major home improvement stores with your id?
you do. everyday of the week.
between new toilet seats, new locks, a new vacuum, paint, and paint brushes, and on and on and on....10% saved.
free tax, yo.
last thing for today.
will you help me choose a color for our living room???

the one on the left is called "sky."
the one in the middle is "silver {something}."
hubs completely shot down the right color.
give me your opinion.
tell me YOUR living room wall color.
help a gal out.
stayed tuned.
I like the silver gray! Our family room walls are light khaki. Love the neutral backdrop. Easy to add pops of color!
We recently moved too and it was so hard to decide on paint colors! I absolutely love color but I change my mind so often on decor that we stuck with neutral colored walls. Even a really light gray can be neutral! Btw, we ran across some really cruddy paint too and learned our lesson quickly! Behr's paint with primer was def my fav. Have fun with your project!
i like them both! but if i had to choose, i would choose the first one. :) my living room wall color is a khaki neutral and i'm not a huge fan. i'd rather a greige. :)
I suggest the lighter color withe the middle color on an accent wall or something.
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