today i hit snooze more than once. ok, more than twice.
today the kids may have been a couple of minutes late to school.
but, today there was no arguing over who took all of the hot water or "where's my jeans" or "mom, i can't find any socks" or "go brush your teeth now so your friends don't smell your stinky breath."
today we all got dressed in a civilized manner and had breakfast and made it out the door and into the truck without tears and yelling and DRAMA.
any day that begins like today is so good in my book.
today after i dropped the kids off {a few minutes late...and that's ok} i came home to wait on my husband to get home from work.
today he and i spent time chatting about his night and my morning.
today was another day to be proud i am his wife.
today after i told my husband "goodnight" {my morning} i set off to spend one last afternoon alone.
today mckinley was coming home from staying at poppy's for three nights. THREE NIGHTS. man, i missed that girl.
today i drove to a second hand store to try to find my jonah some jeans. that boy is growing like a weed. unfortunately, he's unable to wear his older brother's hand-me-downs. jake is skinny as a rail and jonah has inherited my dad's side of the family genes. he's gonna be tall and solid.
today i went to target armed with a new book loaded on my kindle app and ate lunch in the cafe. i had intended to spend a couple of hours at a book store but, i think the closest one is clear across town. sad. where have all of the book stores gone??
today i had half of a personal pan cheese pizza and started reading Love Does by Bob Goff. i suspect tears and inspiration to come through his writing. chapter one was amazing.
today, after sitting and reading for a bit, i perused the aisles of target with only the intentions of purchasing dog food for lucy and dance tights and a new leotard for mckinley. i did good. the only "extras" i bought were socks for jett and a new dish towel.
today i exercised such self-control. you target loving gals know what i'm sayin'. i won't tell you about the cowgirl boots that were on clearance that i put back. nor will i tell you of the super cute ballet flats in the most perfect shade of brown...that were only $4.48...that i put back. then, there was a chambray tunic that was screaming my name. i put it back.
today i thought of my family and buying only what we NEED.
today was report card day at my boy's school. uh-oh.
today as i walked to the front doors of the school to pick them up i heard a mom scream such ugly and hateful words at her son in front of what seemed like the entire school.
today i felt a dagger through the heart for a young boy who endured his mom yell at him, "why are you so dumb?" as she looked at his grades. i feel it even now. i wanted so badly to stop her. i'm not sure what i would've said. instead, as my boys turned to me for my reaction to her harsh words, i told them that that little boy isn't dumb. he shouldn't have been called dumb. {not that us moms are all ever perfect} to hear such hatefulness come from someone who love and trust so deeply... my heart hurts for that boy.
today i pray he feels loved. and not dumb.
today i happily took my daughter to dance. she's such a ballerina.
today as mckinley danced i learned how to find the area of a trapezoid. you guys, this is fifth grade math. the area of a trapezoid?? who cares?? nonetheless, i needed to show interest and teach my boy how to multiply the top base by the height and then divide by two, since you have to make two triangles...oh, forget about it. we both made it through all sixteen problems with no tears or anger at fifth grade math.
today i came home and kissed my husband goodbye as he left for work.
today i tucked my boys in to their beds, said good night and cracked their door.
now, i'm going to bed. it's only 9:00. i'm such an old lady.
what did you do today???
1 comment:
Today, my hubby and I cleaned the kitchen top to bottom, inside and out. After nearly two years of being apart due to me being on duty somewhere else, I'm finally home for a bit and the house desperately needed some spring cleaning in every room. So, we're taking it a room at a time, a little each day, together. Feels good to have a clean house, and pass on some unused items to someone else who might need them. Also feels good to get to know my best friend all over again :)
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