so quickly.
here's a bit of what we've been up to.

{a walk on the beach with hubs and mckinley}

{building her up to be a shopping buddy}

{i got this amazing vintage st. augustine pennant from here. and the *yay* banner from here. love.}

{i took all of the kiddos to lowe's for thier build and grow workshop. it's fun and free, y'all.}

{sunday morning worship. yes, please!}

{lunch after church to use up a gift card. yes, please!}

{time alone with my oldest and youngest sons. on the beach. yes, please!}

{jacksonville beach pier. on a beautiful day.}

{valentine's day breakfast date with my love. we went to cinotti's at the beaches for bagels and pastries. who could pass up this blue mason jar cookie?? not me!}

{valentine's day evvening was spent celebrating this lovely lady who turned eighty. wait. i maybe shouldn't have revealed her age....we love you, granny! }

{it's friday. field trip day. i couldn't get that jingle out of my head the entire day at the zoo with jett and his bestie.}

{the most expensive laundry *basket* hubs ever did purchase.}

{this is her concentrate-while-putting-way-too-much-make-up-on-momma face. just so ya know.}

what's your february looked like so far?
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