with this being our fifth {and possibly final} pregnancy i figured i should probably document it a little better than i did the first four.

twenty week, folks.
in the last fourteen or so weeks {i found out i was pregnant at around six weeks} i have endured morning sickness that doesn't stop.
i'm not complaining. just stating the facts.
it's morning, noon and night. the "morning sickness" phrase is false advertising.
other than the sickness, i feel great.
the discomfort hasn't come yet. i know it will so i'm enjoying these days.
baby started moving this week! to me, feeling the wee one tumble and kick within is the most amazing feeling in the whole world. nothing compares. i could get pregnant ten more times just to feel the baby roll around inside. {don't worry, i won't.}
so many of you have asked what the gender of our baby is. this time we chose to let it be a surprise. we are not finding out. well, we will in the delivery room...duh! it's really a lot of fun not knowing. so much more fun than i first thought it would be. i was worried i would constantly wonder. so far, i haven't. i know that no matter what, as long as we have a healthy, thriving baby, the universe will continue to spin with us not knowing the gender.
i went in for the final ultrasound of this pregnancy the other day. baby is healthy. baby weighs about 14 ounces and is measuring just a few days ahead of schedule. my due date remains september 1.

that super cute shirt i'm wearing is from the printed palette. you'll be seeing more from the printed palette on me soon! it's my new favorite line of clothing!!
look at you, all glowing and cute! have a great weekend!
You look so pretty! I hope the morning sickness stops soon.
xoxo Elizabeth
So exciting! I loved having a surprise, and yes, being pregnant is about the "special-est" thing in the world!
So exciting! It was so much fun to have a surprise, and YES - being pregnant is the Special-est!!!
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