As I type this I'm actually 30 weeks, exactly. But, the way things are going these days if I don't post this now it may never get posted. School's out and life is busy. Who am I kidding? Life is busy when school is in session.
In this 29th week of pregnancy I was tired and maybe a little emotional. I could cry at the drop of a hat. Darned pregnancy hormones. Hubs would tell you I'm always emotional. I disagree. A little. :o)
I also have killer indigestion. Do you know of any foods or drinks that will help remedy that? Tums don't seem to do the trick...no matter how many I chomp.
The baby is super active. He {or she} likes the right side...of my rib cage. I love feeling the little leg or arm or whatever piece of him {or her} that is so prominent on that side, just under my ribs. I can gently press it out of the area and within seconds he's {or she's} right back where I moved him {or her} from. I only remember this happening when I was pregnant with Jonah. And he came out a nine pound baby! Maybe this baby will be another big one.
Only eleven more weeks to be thinking of and working towards getting this baby all of the gear he {or she} needs. A crib. A car seat. A stroller. A wrap for me to carry him {or her} in. It's been less than five years since McKinley was born and I've already forgotten all of what a baby needs. Am I missing any necessities??
I still get asked, "do you know what you're having yet?" We don't know. We aren't finding out...until the big day! We found out with all of the others. We have boys and a girl. It doesn't matter to us if this baby is a boy or a girl. We just want a healthy baby! And can you imagine what an amazing surprise it will be?!?!?
Yes, we already have names picked out. We've shared with friends and family. I'm going to wait to share on the blog because I want to be able to fully share with you the meaning behind his {or her} name. It's so very special and totally deserves it's own post.
If I get all fancied up this week to take a 30 week pregnancy picture I'll be back to tell you more of how amazing it is to be carrying one if His creations!
Just for fun, how about a comparison photo?? I think it's kinda a hoot I'm wearing the same outfit!

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