At 5:30am on June 6th I began my journey to the

{my thoughts on DC traffic}
My ten hour drive became fourteen. Seriously though...I'm not complaining! I was at Disney On The Road with Maria Bailey and a hundred other women whom I couldn't wait to meet! {I never got to have that dessert with Dee. Instead, I enjoyed a Caesar salad from room service. After fourteen hours on the road all I wanted to do was hit the hay. Thankfully, she understood. You're awesome, Dee!}

{Room service goodness...in black and white because Caesar salad isn't very pretty in a dark hotel room.}
The next morning I woke up refreshed and ready to take on the day. This would be my third time attending a conference for bloggers but, my first as an attendee. {The two years I went to BlissDom I was a staff member.}

After getting checked-in it was time to mingle while we waited for the doors to open.

Once inside, breakfast was served. If you know me, you know I don't eat any of what is on my plate. LOL Well, I did eat a few bites of the hashbrown casserole. I was SO happy their were bagels and cream cheese on the tables, along with other pastries and muffins.

This was also on the table. I refrained for a couple of hours...and then HAD to dig in!!!

After the conference was over I went over and introduced myself to Amy from Resourceful Mommy. I've been reading her blog for years. {It's always so nice to put a real face with the words you've seen on your computer screen for so long.}

Remember I said Maria was our host. I thanked her for inviting me. We got to chatting and I discovered she grew up just minutes from me. It is truly a small world after all! {see what I did there?? Disney conference, Disney reference.}
I met a few other amazing bloggers too...Stephanie of Stephanie Says, Heather of SugarNSpice-Life, Mindi of Simply Stavish, and Lisa of The Domestic Life Stylist. Each of them with their own blogging niche and personality. I had such a great day hanging out with and getting to know these girls!!!
I still haven't even shared with you the super great keynote speaker we had. Jennifer Labit of Cotton Babies, founder of Bum Genius. I would really like to save that for another post though. She was filled with inspiration and insight and information. And, if I can get Hubs on board, she totally talked me in to cloth diapering.
I can't express enough gratitude or show how flattered I was to be invited to this Disney Social Media Moms Conference. Thank you, Maria Bailey and Disney for the opportunity!
Also, thank you Blissful Media Group for sending me as a writer/curator for Blissfully Domestic. Being a part of this blissful family is such an honor. Muah!
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