Mabry Mae Hutchins {insert last name here} is finally here! She was born August 25. {I'm excited to share with you her birth story but, you'll have to wait for another post.}
"Why such a long name?", "She has four names. Why?", are questions we've already been asked. I'll tell you why. Mabry is named after a hero.
CPL Andrew "Hutch" Hutchins was a soldier in Hubs' platoon in Afghanistan in 2010. I don't know the details. I don't know exactly how he died. I just know that he and Hubs were close...Hutch was like a little brother. And I know he died proudly serving our country.
When we found out we were pregnant in December we knew two things; we didn't want to find out the gender and we wanted the baby to be named after Hutch, regardless of gender, the baby would carry his name. Naming the baby after Hutch was Hubs' idea. I didn't argue a bit. I knew it would mean a lot to both Hubs and Hutch's dad, whom Hubs has become close to, as well.
Why Mabry? Honestly, it's a name I found online while searching for French names that begin with M. {Our last name is French}
Why Mae? My maternal grandmother's middle name was Mae. And after we had already named her, my dad told me that my paternal great-grandma's name was Mae. Everyone called her Momma Mae. Double win!
Yes, it'll be a mouthful when this little girl gets in trouble. Yes, people will continue to ask why her name is so stinkin' long. Yes, it appears that she has two last names. That's okay.
Mabry Mae Hutchins {insert last name here} has quite a story of how her daddy thought so much of a fellow soldier, an American hero, that he named his daughter after him. I'm pretty sure she'll be proud.

You'll never be forgotten, Hutch.
Absolutely beautiful. Our son's middle name is also a last name, and we get many questions but I'm always happy to tell about his namesake, his great grandfather. He had only sisters and daughters and it upset him that his name wouldn't carry on. But with our Henry Mayes, it will.
Crying! And I already knew that. :) hugs
Beautiful story, she'll be so,proud of her name!
Congratulations! She is beautiful! :)
The story behind her name is just as precious as she is. 💗💛💗
Its Beautiful and I am so glad yall named her after Hutch! I carry his picture in my car just so i think about what he did for us everyday! Miss you guys!!
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