oh, mabry how we love you. you've only been with us for two short months, but two glorious months they've been.
you've captured the hearts of so many. your brothers and sister love you so much. not a moment goes by they don't want to love on you or kiss you or hug you. even when you're asleep. {which bothers momma since i'd like for you to sleep...not get awoken by little people.}
you're nursing like a champ. when you were only a couple of weeks old the doctor had us come in for a weight check because he wanted you to be gaining weight more rapidly. well, you're gaining weight now! not quickly, but slow and steady. you're a healthy little girl.
you've only just started outgrowing your newborn clothing. you're in size one diapers.
you aren't sleeping through the night just yet. i know it won't be long though. and the sleepless nights are worth it.
momma and daddy love you, mabry. we thank God for you daily.
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