If you know me in real life then you know I'm not the most prepared person for any situation. I've been known to be "that mom" with a baby with a full diaper and not a diaper bag in sight. Or, 25 minutes into my 30 minute drive to the beach I realize I forgot the sunscreen at home. It's just who I am, guys. I forget stuff...not my little people, though, so there's that. :o)
When preparing to pack for the Type-A Parent Boot Camp being held in Walt Disney World last week I actually made a list. And as I remembered things to add to it I stopped what I was doing and added them. I was NOT going to be unprepared for this conference or spending days with my family in the theme parks. I wanted a smooth trip for all of us!
Once I started to pack my new American Tourister suitcases, I marked things off of the list. People do this everyday...why is it so hard for me? Marking things off of the list helps when I get distracted, as I so easily do {SQUIRREL!}, and I can look back later and know what's already in the suitcase. It's the little things.
So, what essentials did I want to know for certain were in my bags? Aside from the normal clothing and undies and such? I'm gonna give you 10 Essentials to Pack for Disney. These are truly essential items that you would want to have somewhere on your person if you head out to any theme park. Here we go.
- Sunscreen - seems like a pretty obvious item to have in your bag. Well, I've forgotten it a million times and we've paid out the wah-zoo at whatever place we were at to make sure we weren't fried at the end of the day. Neutrogena Ultra Sheer Dry Touch Sunscreen SPF 70 is our favorite for the adults and big kids. It goes on smooth and isn't greasy or oily. For the baby we bought the Neutrogena Baby Lotion SPF 45+. Again, goes on smooth and not greasy or oily. That's my BIGGEST pet-peeve about sunscreen...the greasy feeling after applying. Not at all the case with Neutrogena!
- Rain Ponchos - I have NO idea what the weather is like in Disneyland, CA, but I can attest to the fact that if you come to Walt Disney World, FL you're going to see a rain shower or two. They're usually over in just a few minutes, but they're there. And without a rain poncho it might ruin your day. Or at least your next couple of hours. Before you leave for your vacay, run into the nearest dollar store and pick up a few. You'll be glad you did!
- Snacks - Trust me on this one. You are going to want to have something in your bag or backpack to snack on while in the theme parks. Sure, you can buy snacks there. Treat yourself to a Mickey ice cream or an Olaf Caramel Apple! But, when you're standing in line and hunger strikes you'll be glad you have a little something tucked away. These KIND bars are the best. Few calories, high protein, dairy free...I could go on. Try them. You'll like them!
- Baby Food - I mean, if YOU have a snack, be sure you packed them for the baby, too. Have you seen the new {well, new to me since Mabry is my first baby in five years.} squeeze pouches of baby food. GENIUS! They're {mostly} mess-free and baby loves them! Mabry's favorite right now is made by Plum in the Banana and Pumpkin flavor.
- iPhone Charger - You laugh. I see you. I kid you not, I maybe pulled my DSLR from it's bag twice while in Disney this last week. I pulled my phone out for just about every photo op. Of course, I should've taken my own advice here because my phone was completely dead each night that we left the parks. Had I had my charger in my bag I could've found an outlet and recharged for a few minutes here and there. Better yet, if I had a Mophie Juice Pack Plus I wouldn't have even had to worry about my battery life. Now I know.
- Extra Memory Cards - If you're going to be using your "big girl" camera more often than your iPhone then you'll not want to get the MEMORY CARD FULL message. Not gonna lie, it's happened to me more than once! Pack extra memory cards.
- Extra Clothes for the Kids - Before last week I probably wouldn't have done this one. Even though I've been a mom for more than 12 years, I always forget the extra clothes. Always. Boy, am I glad that I had them this time. Don't ask me how, but Jett sat in poo somewhere between the hotel to Animal Kingdom. And it wasn't his own. I was so thankful to have an extra shirt for him!!! Aside from the poo incident though, you'll want extra clothes for drippy ice cream covered tees, a potty accident {of your own child's poo} or coming off of Kali River Rapids drenched!
- Reusable Zipper Bags - Those extra clothes you're bringing? Put them in a reusable zipper bag to stay dry until you need them. Remember the rain showers I talked about? Well, if you forget the rain ponchos and you and your bag gets wet you'll still have a set of dry clothes if you follow this advice. Pop an empty bag or two in your bag/backpack for just in case reasons. You never know. {I discovered these 2.5 Gallon Hefty bags before our last trip. They were the perfect size! Big enough to fit a few sets of kids clothes!
- Activity Books and Crayons - Do you love the parades at Disney? I do. I love to find my spot on the curb at least 30 minutes early and people watch. Er, I mean, wait for the parade to begin. My kids liking this?? Not so much. Activity books and crayons keep them busy so I can
people watchwait. - Refillable Water Bottle - The very last thing you want to do while at a theme park is become dehydrated. Drink lots of water to prevent this. Duh, right?!? Take a refillable water bottle and just refill at any water fountain you run into. {Disney Tip: Did you know you can ask any Quick Service food location for a cup of ice water and they'll give it to you for free? Yep. You can.}
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