For years I've been adding links and pretty pictures to my Pinterest boards in hopes that one day I'll have the time make the time to recreate all the amazing ideas out there. The other day I was looking for Frozen birthday Party ideas for McKinley's 6th birthday when I came across a bunch of ideas for little girls that I had completely forgotten about pinning. Really cute ideas. Ideas that sparked an interest to not only share them with you but, to also actually do them!
Today I'm sharing a handful of them with you. Which of my pins in this post will be your favorite? Which will YOU recreate?
Today I'm sharing a handful of them with you. Which of my pins in this post will be your favorite? Which will YOU recreate?
Rainbow Costume - I think Mabry needs to be a rainbow for Halloween this year. How stinkin' cute is this?
Backyard Painting Party - If McKinley wasn't requesting a Frozen birthday party for her December birthday I just may have done a painting party. I still might buy a few canvases this size and have my own kids do this!
Dress-Up Closet - Dress-up clothes and costumes can take over a little girl's bedroom. Have you seen McKinley's room lately? This would be the PERFECT solution!
DIY Play Kitchen - At only 10 months old, Mabry is showing all signs of being a total girly-girl. I think I'll start looking now for one of these small TV stands at the thrifts. This little DIY Kitchen is too cute!
Scrap Fabric Monogram Craft - If anyone has fabric scraps, it's me. I've got fabric scraps FOR DAYSSSS! The next rainy day we have I'm gonna sit and do this with the little kids.
Fairy Houses - How cute would a few of these be in your garden? Take them a step further and paint them. So cute.
Summer Paper Plate Crafts - I'm a sucker for a good paper plate craft. We did them when we were kids and now it's a lost art. Teachers {and moms} have turned to foam sheets and pre-made foam kits. I say, bring on the paper plates!
Do you have a Pinterest account that you pin all of the things and then never do anything you've pinned? I challenge you to change that...today. Go forth and create!
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